Who is Griff??

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When the fog clears once more, we see sights like the big bend clock tower which is much like our clock tower. My lips form a smile making me excited "we're in London" I say looking at the others seeing Elisa just as excited as me. 

"This is where that tv show was shot, the really old one that got canceled; Doctor Who," I say standing up as we tie the boat to the post making sure it won't float away "that's literally my favorite other than star wars".  

"So London," Elisa says slightly ignoring my outburst "I've always wanted to visit" she puts her hands on her hips looking up at Goliath lovingly which makes me smile at them. 

"Remember, we have been sent here for a reason," Goliath says making me frown that he ruined the mood. "Even if we don't yet know what it is"  

"I think I see our first clue," Angela says pointing up the hill where we see a bronze statue of what looks like a plane making me raise an eyebrow. 

Making our way up the hill and examing the statue further it looks like there are three gargoyles standing on the plane. One gargoyle that doesn't look familiar at all two others that slightly look like Goliath and me. 

"hold on, that looks like us," I say gesturing to my dad and myself making him look at me.  "Very Curious" he growls making inspect the state further. 

Elisa follows my lead and reads the inscription "In commemoration of their courage at the battle of Britan.." 

"That was the blitz, miss" We hear making me move quickly behind the statue looking over at the voice. "1940, it was, I remember the air raids like they were yesterday". 

"Did Gargoyles fight in the war?" Elisa asks walking to the man closer making me squat to the ground to get a better look.  

"oh, they tell stories about gremlins and the like. you fancy this stuff?" he asks her with a raised eyebrow. 

"Let's just say the legends intrigue me," she says making me laugh a little looking back at my sister and dad who have the same look. "There's a shop in Soho that might interest you, the owners know all about magical creatures, even dress up like them." 

"CAN YOU TAKE ME TO THE SHOP" Elisa yells so we would be able to hear making me giggle getting a nudge from my sister as my dad tells us we would follow Elisa grabbing Bronx as we leave. 

when we arrive at the shop Elisa is surrounded by thugs in tight jeans and crop tops holding bats looking very menacing.  When she gets into a fighting stance we mention bronx to go first knowing a guy down as we follow.  A man starts to run at me and swings the bat but I duck spinning around and grabbing him than flipping him over so he lands on his head hard knocking him out. quick and easy. 

My family took care of the others with one guy left next to Elisa making her say "Looks like it's down to you and me, pal".  making him run away making me laugh a little "The bad guys seem to get dumber every day". 

"I don't believe it, we hear making us turn to the sound seeing two different gargoyles making my eyes widen "you've come back" 

"Gargoyles, real Gargoyles," Angela says excitedly but I grab her arm getting a weird feeling shaking my head at her. 

"We thought you died with Griff" the shorter one that looks almost like a lion mixed with a sphinx with a yellow golden mane says. He looks at both Goliath and I making me frown not knowing who this guy is. 

"Is he here, is he with you?" the creature asks looking around but I just watch in confusion which looking at my dad is the same look he has. 

you survived and he didn't, is that it?" he says pointing at us making me step back into my dad; He holds my shoulder reassuringly. "The only reason we forgave you, was because we thought you died with him." The lion continues very aggressively making me hold my staff. 

My dad keeps his hand on my shoulder tightening his grip to keep me calm as e calmly says "I fear you have mistaken me for another, my friend". 

"The mistake is yours, Goliath and Delphi, For Believing you can return here without paying the consequences," says the other Gargoyle who looks like a pegasus with a unicorn horn. 

"I do not know what you are talking about," he says making me think for a second, these gargoyles hair is gray meaning they are pretty old for gargoyles because we as a species have a long life span so they must mean the other gargoyle on the statue next to my dad and I.  So to them, we do know who Griff is, we have the phoenix gate so we must have gone back to the past to save griff but failed. So does that mean we die too. 

Why haven't I seen a vision of this??

"I have never been here" my father states bringing me back to reality making me shake his shoulder "Wait dad". 

"And I do not know you" 

"I am Leo, this is Una," the lion creature says gesturing to the unicorn which might I say both gargoyles are beautiful. "And Griff was the hero you led to his demise, Does that refresh your recollection?" 

"Not in the slightest," my dad says continuing to make me sigh as I was trying to warn him but him not because of his stubbornness. 

"Shouldn't we sort this all out inside" Elisa pointing to the civilians looking at us terrified which, to be honest, couldn't blame them. 

"Follow me, now," Una says pointing at us and lead us into the shop 

"Now when do you think you met Goliath and Delphi," Elisa says holding her chin thinking. 

"1940, during the Battle of Britain and I don't think. I know," she says aggressively holding out her fist. 

"That statue by the river was from the battle of Britain," Elisa says making me rub my head "That's what I was trying to say," I say making Una look at me 

"Yes, we believed you both died as heroes, now we see it was only Griff" she points to a statue of Griff who I when I look, seems familiar making me go into a vision my eyes turning purple.  

I get brought back to the present when I see my dad and Leo slam into a bookshelf making me jump pulling out my staff. 

Suddenly Uno starts chanting point her hand at us a purple bolt shoots at me and everything goes black. 

My vision starts to brighten bringing me back to see my dad  standing up 

"where are the others, what have you done with them??

"You can't save them. you can't even find them." making my skin boil not seeing the others with us. "now you are powerless, just as we were." 

"Dad somehow we were in 1940 these versions of Una and Leo know us but we don't, we have to figure this out otherwise.." I say to him giving me a knowing look pulling out the phoenix gate. 


"Muri temi"

"Et Intervalia" 

a circle of Flames surrounds us filling our eyes with yellows and oragnes the Aggressive gargoyles now out of our sight. 

It was a Time For GargoylesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum