This is a Gift Young Gargoyle

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How did my life get to this point, sitting in Elisa's apartment with a blanket around me with some hot tea. The sun shining through her big windows still blinding me slightly, Elisa is still pacing back and forth thinking about what happened this morning which I should probably explain.


I hear Elisa say looking at her as she looks at me with shock, I look down at my hands seeing the pinkish flesh from earlier.

"Hello Delphi" I hear from beside me looking over seeing the trickster puck once more "Puck is this your doing?" I ask for forcefully and directed. I want to know why this happened and I want to know now, why am I human I'm supposed to be a Gargoyle.

"Yes it is but I have a point to this mystery" the Blonde haired man says making me angry "What right do you think to have to turn me into a human after the mess you did last night".

He holds up his hands defensively "If I knew you were a Prophet things would have been different a couple hours ago".

I cross my arms expecting an explanation for this which he sighs "Okay okay look I know your powers aren't exactly very spot on because time can change yadda yadda but being awake during the day will have advantages" he says walking around me looking at Elisa but not even saying anything to her actually she kinda looks frozen which is probably due to the Puck.

"This is a gift young Gargoyle, to help protect your clan and help your powers now don't thank me this human form will only last during the day and you'll be back to yourself during the night" he says as I sit down on the ledge next to Hudson who is asleep like everyone else.

"but why, why do this for me; I attacked you and Demona not hours before and tried to stop the both of y'all" I tell him crossing my arms "I don't understand why you would give me this 'gift''.

"Because young seer you'll need this and I'm going to owe you a favor eventually might as well pay up now" he says starting to disappear "Everything will make sense in time".

Now Elisa's trying to understand everything I just told her as I stare out at the morning light in her apartment.

"This doesn't make any sense why would he do this?" The policewoman keeps saying which I just shrug kinda still in shock. Elisa let me borrow a pair of jeans, some nike shoes and a long sleeve sweater of some kind which does help with the warmth. My body temperature is completely different now, I don't have my Gargoyle body heat to keep me warm.

"I can't tell the others" I tell her making her look at me shock "This is horrible, will the others still accept as part of the clan?"

Elisa sits down next to me on the couch putting a hand on top of mine "Del the others would love you no matter what" I shake my head "It took everything for the others to accept me into the clan even when I was a hatchling just like everyone else because I was different, they only accepted me when I could predict the outcomes of battles," I tell her wrapping the blanket closer to me sadly.

Elisa hugs me to her like a mom to her daughter in a very comforting way "I won't let that happen and Goliath, Brooklyn and the others will love you no matter what" I sigh hopping she's right.

Elisa took the day off of work to help me adjust taking me around the city explaining things that only a human would need to know. It was a long day, and my feet are aching horribly, it doesn't help I haven't slept for almost 20 hours or so.

We arrive at the clock tower before dusk and my nerves are everywhere, I changed back into my outfit that I wear as a Gargoyle but my leg bounces up and down. Elisa rubs my arm knowing how nervous I am but not really knowing how she can help me.

Suddenly in a flash of green I feel the weight of my wings and I growl my eyes red feeling my strength back with is nice. Draping my wings around me I see the others walk into the clock tower looking confused as how I'm already inside when I was with the others last night.

"Delphi how are you already inside" Goliath asked crossing his arms making me feel so very small but I have to tell them, I have too "I have some things to explain and y'all aren't going to like It" I tell him looking at Brooklyn who just looks at me confused.

As I explain how everything went today the expressions of the others are kinds of either hard to see or very expressive but overall it's a large amount of shock from all of them.

"So that's what happened today" I finish my story which Elisa said with an arm wrapped around the whole time which I'm forever grateful for "So this is permanent?" Lex asks with I nod too "That's what Puck said, his motives are still unclear but it can't be good" I tell them.

Goliath takes a deep breath before speaking "Okay, Delphi you'll have to engage in human things while the rest of us sleep but at night, you'll still be apart of the clan, you're our family and this predicament won't change that" tears slightly prim my eyes as my heart feels whole. "thank you" I say as Goliath looks at the rest of the clan

"We need to keep a look out of both Puck and Demona, whatever this whole thing with Delphi might be some time of scheme, Broadway, Lexington and I will go patrol the city while Brooklyn, Hudson and bronx stays with Delphi here while she rests" goliath orders everyone going their separate ways.

sitting down on the couch I sigh feeling it dip a little I look up seeing Brooklyn who smiles sadly and kinda worriedly "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that this morning while the rest of us slept".

I slightly shrug "Its no ones fault but Pucks" I tell him as I lean my head against his shoulder feeling extremely tired. "Brooklyn" I say which I hear him give a grunt as an answer which I take to continue "I wanted to tell you last night was that I really like you" I mumble falling asleep but I feel him wrap an arm around me tightly and protective

"I really like you too"

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