You're the problem Goliath

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As we go from place to place, my hope of ever getting home starts to decrease more and more, my longing for the guys, for Hudson, grows more and more especially for Brooklyn.

I know Avalon is sending us to people who need us, who need our help, but why must that be on our shoulders.

Of course, none of my questions will receive answers, the universe hates me that much but at least they are out there for anyone to answers

As soon as the cold starts to clear on our next adventure the cold bitter wind sweeps through me, since my "Gift" My tolerance to extreme temperatures has become less than effective. Wrapping my wings around me I try to keep the cold out as I look at my family "Whew, How Come it got so cold all of a sudden?" Elisa asks immediately shivering. 

The boat rocks a little coming to a complete stop "Believe it or not, we've hit ice" My father says helping Elisa off the boat with the rest of us in tow. 

"We never got to see ice or snow on Avalon," Angela says hugging herself "It's enough to take your breath away" 

I scuff a little without meaning too, "Speak for yourself" 

"How come the cold is affecting you so much?" My sister asks looking at me curiously making me sigh "When Puck gave me this "Gift" It's had some permanent effects, like my immunity to the cold is non-existent". 

"Welcome to Norway" I hear looking up and seeing an older man with a dark blueish black rob with a safe and one eye "these days, we don't get to see many Gargoyles, up here in the Norse Country". 

"You know us?" My father asks making me raise an eyebrow as the man replies "I am well-Versed in matters of myth and legend". 

"I see the maiden is in dire need of warm clothing," he says making me frown stepping in front of Elisa and Angela. "she's welcome to have this," he says pulling out a huge cloak made of fur what type I'm not sure "Provided you are amendable o a fair trade". 

"What do you want in trade?" my father says making me look at him, If he is going to say what I think he is about to say then I will have to step in. "the Eye of Odin" 

Elisa tells my father it's too dangerous to give to anyone which my father agrees to make me sigh "Father you must give him the eye". 

Everyone looks at me including the old man "This weather will not improve, you must give him the eye". 

"I'm sorry Delphi but the eye is too dangerous for anyone to use" 

"But." I try to interject but the man puts the cloak away before I can say anything else "You will all regret that" he walks away as it starts to snow harder and the wind picks up making me shiver. 

We make our way up the mountain, Elisa not doing well at all, more frankly getting worse "We have to find a village or a town" I tell the others when we hear an engine coming closer.  

Telling the others a plan to get them to stop to help Elisa, the Car gets right to us, Bronx jumps in front of the car startling them since it's so dark and almost swerve off the cliff, my dad saves the car pulling them up just enough to get back to the road. Now on the road, they can see Elisa, which they hop out of the car wrapping a blanket around her making me smile. 

"Nice work Delphi," My dad says making me smile proudly. 

"now what about us?" Angela asks my dad leading us away from the road his arms wrapped around his with Bronx at our side. "We will stay close," He says as we start following the direction of the car. 

"Goliath, once the sun rises I won't be able to handle the temperature either," I tell him already shivering, he looks at me worriedly 

"Then we must let Elisa recover quickly then head out of here," He says as we walk. 

It was a Time For GargoylesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя