Hello Red, I know it's been a while

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Brooklyn wakes up stretching like he does every night, then looks over at Delphi's bed and room like he does every night sighing. 

"Don't worry lad they will be alright, the lass will be alright" Hudson says heading inside as the wind starts to pick up.  "you would think they would have phoned us by now or sent some type of sign" Lex says making Brooklyn sigh again "I know Delphi, she did what she thought was right, that this was for the greater good. If something bad had happened she would have somehow told us". Broadway says putting a hand on Brooklyns' shoulder. 

"I just miss her," The red Gargoyle says turning inside and sit down on her bed holding her jacket that still smells like her. She had bought this thing called perfume that humans wear, whatever it is, is an amazing smell. now that's the smell that's getting Brooklyn through this time away from her. 

"Hey, guys come to check this out" Brooklyn hears Lexington yell from on the balcony, sighing almost annoyingly Brooklyn heads outside to see the clouds dark and moving quickly through the sky making him frown. 

"The weatherman didn't say anything about a storm tonight," Lex says Followed by Hudson "This is no ordinary storm. I know this wind". The boys look at each other Confused almost as the old Gargoyle Conntiues "Something is coming" 

Lighting strikes immediately followed by thunder scaring the young Gargoyles making them all gasp. "Let's get ready to patrol, I have a weird feeling we will be needed tonight," Brooklyn says heading inside, the rest of the clan following close behind. 

The Rest of the Clan follows the 2nd in commands lead and set out on patrol, in the beginning, they don't see anything out of the ordinary until Broadway spots something "Hey over there" Pointing to a rooftop. 

"What is it?" asks Lexington but Hudson shakes his head "Obviously nothing that belongs here" Leading the young Gargoyles to the roof to investigate further. 

Down on the rooftop, the old king Macbeth finishes his incantation in front of a cauldron that is smoking when the sky turns red opening up like a valve and falling from the sky a man and a Gargoyle who lucky enough hit the rooftop. 

"Macbeth," The man who is King Arthur says grabbing his battle Mace "have we met," Macbeth says right as Hudson swoops in and punches the man right as he fires his electrifying weapon. 

the others take down his goons and throw Lex their weapons "To me, we will finish this later" Macbeth yells as he and the two goons hope in their plane and scatter off before they get any more thrown off guard. 

"Thank you, my friends, if I may so call you," Arthur says as the Clan looks at the gargoyle named Griff and the King "Who are you?" Lex says slightly shocked and intimidated By the nature of Griff 

"The name's Griff, Of London," Griff says then looking over to the King "And I guess this is really King Arthur. We are looking for Excalibur the sword" 

"You are King Arthur?" Hudson says questioning the man but Arthur is too distracted by the city to answer. Shocked by the change of Scenery from London to Manhattan from which he came.

"I am," he says turning around as the clan gathers around him "Are you of Goliath and Delphi's Clan?" he asks making Brooklyn's eyes widen questions now filling his mind.   "They told me to seek you out if I ever came upon manhattan" 

"You've seen Goliath and Delphi?

"Are they alright?" 

"Are Elisa and Bronx with them?"

"When are they coming back?" 

"Where are they?" 

All the Gargoyles ask questions at the same time concern and longing drip from their voice but Griff Interuptes them "I met up with Goliath and Delphi in London" 

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