Lex wasn't the only smart one around

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when the fog clears this time, the smell of damp wood, but also dryness and stiffness fills the air. I look around seeing us in a forest or jungle of sorts moving down a river.

"I wonder where Avalon has sent us this time" My father extorts making me continue to look around seeing a Kangaroo on the water bed making me grin "That's a kangaroo! I always wanted to see one in person"

"That means we're in Australia," Elisa says

"I hope we can meet Steve Irwin, he's a great photographer" I point out as we continue moving down the river. Finally reaching the end of the river, we move out of the boat and continue out of the forest seeing giant statues of rocks, having my wings wrapped around me as we continue walking I notice a silver-looking liquid move toward us.

"uhh guys I have no idea what that is but it looks inappropriate" I mention

"It must be Sorcery," My father says as I unwrap my wings "Whatever it is, it's coming to this way move!" Elisa shouts making us move. I crawl quickly on my all fours finding one of the giant rocks and climb up it getting some air right before the liquid covers the entire rock. Hovering in the air I see the others land on a rock that is about to get swallowed making my eyes widen "No!" screaming right as it starts to recede making me sigh in relief landing next to them. Hugging my father tightly as he hugs me back "What the fuck was that".

after hiking about a mile or so we stop on a cliff of sorts "The cataclysm appears to have stopped" my father says but I shake my head "It will return". The others give me a look as I continue down the cliff and making our way against the rocky flat terrain.

seeing a figure appear out of the darkness I hold on to my staff as I see who it is "Dingo?"

"Bronx with me!" My father yells running to get some height as Bronx runs at him making me stop "No wait, he's changed"

As my father flies after dingo after he takes down Bronx with a rope I get in between them "Stop, Goliath he's different" looking at Dingo now giving him a look "You're not helping by attacking us".

Dingo pushes me to the side making me stumble as he and my father wrestle it out as the silver liquid returns separating all of us.

my heart quickens as Elisa, Angela, and Bronx get surrounded by cubes making me run to them but the Silver liquid starts to move up my body trying to encase me.

Looking up my eyes now frantic I see dingo shoot a massive wall of the silver liquid that was falling on my father and him.

"Dingo, your laser!" I yell frantically as it starts to cover my waist and wings, he looks at me with wide eyes "it will hit you not the liquid!"

"Just do it" I scream slamming my eyes shut but hearing the laser go off feeling the heat but someone grabs my hand pulling me now making me open my eyes back up.

Angela pulling my hand as we raise to fight the liquid at distance, once we gain the distance and the liquid starts to stop spreading Elisa points out "Looks like we're clear"

"For now," my father says looking at Dingo now "What do you know of this"

"What makes you think I know anything about it?"

"Somehow, I doubt it's a coincidence that you're here," Elisa says making me raise an eyebrow

"Me? what about you, Sheila?" he says defensively "You're the ones a long way from home".

"He is right," I say crossing my arms and wrapping my wings back around me "he is an Aussie and this is Aussie Territory"

"he did help save Angela, Delphi, and myself," My father says making me look down a little "We'll accept your story, for now".

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