There has to be consequences

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Authors Note:  This is not my best writing but here it is, hope ya'll enjoyed the little detour we took from the story line a little, please like and comment, I love to hear from y'all and chat, the image attached is just a little stretch i did of Delphi and Brooklyn. 

There are reasons why there are no other creatures like me in the universe, well,, none that I know of. Time is delicate, Like a river flowing effortlessly with curves and bends; if something were to block the river, the river would stop flowing. The whole thing could overflow, destroying the area around it. That's why we don't mess with the river; someone like me can help the river out once in a while though help makes a curve bigger or smaller. 

It shouldn't be like that, though I shouldn't have that much power; I shouldn't be able to dictate if time should have been changed or not. I'm a selfish creature that would risk the integrity of time itself to know that the people I love would survive. 

Maybe I deserve this, having messed with time itself so much already in a short span of time, making sure that Goliath, Elisa, and the others survived the trips from Avalon. Maybe there has to be consequences for the actions that I made. 

"Delphi Take me to the past" 


Pain shoots throughout my body but I don't let Xanatos hear my screams, If I can control one thing it will be that. My head falls to my chest as it rises and falls quickly, currently in my human body all the pain is a little less manageable. 

"Delphi we've been at this for weeks, you're tired, I'm tired, if you just do what I ask this can all stop" The beared man crouches in front of me with a grinn making my stomach turn "What's the fun in that". 

Pain shoots through my body once again making me clench my teeth shutting my eyes "what if I told you Brooklyn has been looking for you" he says making my heart skip a beat my eyes shooting open. 

"you touch him you're dead" 

Any games I was playing with David has stopped, I have been tossing him around one liners for weeks not giving him the time of day when we comes into this lab and has our daily talks. Xanatos looks at me with a smug look "he's been busy since the Factory exploded with no remains of his beloved angel". 

Frowning at the mocking tone in his voice I pull at the restraits a little not liking where this is going at all. 

"My people and I have been letting him look for you with less restience than we could give him, distracting him till we got what we want but seeing as you're as persistent and stubborn as ever that could change"  Xantos adds looking at his nails smiling.

"Take me to the past and I won't kill him in his next rescue attempt" 

"what if I take you to the past and kill you"

"Now Delphi that's very uncharacteristic of you" The man laughs twirling the shock stick as I like to call it. I lift my head blowing some hair out of my face "I don't think you understand what my character is capable" . 

"if you could have gone back to the past then you would have" he says shocking me, the hope I had of riding this out dying "you wouldn't be here if you didn't have to, you would have gone back to your Brooklyn and the others in your nice perfect timeline when the world wasn't falling apart around you". 

I pull at the restraits now getting where this is going not needing my vision to tell me the plan he has set forth, But he's right I'm tired the last several weeks has been exhausting, barley any sleep constant interegation. This was his plan all along, get me exhausted till I couldn't fight back anymore. 

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