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I stared at the Juicy Bacon Cheeseburger before me, with a side of fries and a milkshake.

Isla and Emory already finished there's and has been chatting away while i stared at the food.

My stomach churned and rolled at the mouth watering sight yet my head replayed events that made me want to throw up the contents that don't exist in my empty stomach.

I looked up feeling eyes on me, and i saw Emory staring at me. I quickly picked up the burger and took a nibble.

Her eyes said it all. She was on to me and i just can't let her know my thoughts. 

As i chewed i felt sick. Like the food was poison. I just wanted to spit it out and never eat again.

I frowned at the sight of my thighs. The Black skirt i wore revealed too much legs for my liking. Even the bulky thick Sweater showed the outline of my chest.

Everything i wore felt tight. Felt...Not me.

"So i heard there's a party Tomorrow after school."

I picked at a fry. "Isn't tomorrow a school night? and who has parties on Thursdays?"

"It's actually Katie's Birthday."

Emory scoffed. "Katie Simpson?" A smirk formed on Emory's face. "This will be nice."

Emory always had a weird obsession with Katie. Not in the 'Aw so sweet' way. More like 'Can't wait to spill your blood way'

It all started when Katie announced to the whole 5th grade that Emory started her Period. 

Ever since then Katie has been on Emory's 'Murder' List. It's quite funny at how they get each other sometimes.

Last month Emory Poured Toilet water in Katie's Drink and then threw a bucket of Fish blood on her during a game.

People still hold there nose when walking past Katie. 

"So your thinking of going?" I questioned Isla. She nodded and already started on her puppy face. I sighed. "fine.."

I Don't like parties a lot. It reminds me of where i met...

The school bang rang and jolted me out of my small memory lane.

"Alright guys. See yall later." Isla took her lunch and threw her slender legs across the bench. As i took a small bite of the fry, I noticed Isla was still there. 

"Thalia...Do you need to stay us to stay over again?"

I tensed up. The reason for there little sleep over last night was still fresh in my mind. I never gave them the full details but i shook my head.

"Nope!" I gave her a smile, and she narrowed her eyes slightly at me knowingly before sighing and walking away.

I stared at the burger as everyone in the cafeteria started cleaning up there area's exiting out.

I noticed Emory hasn't gotten up yet as she folded her arms and stared at me. I made my way to pick up my barely eaten burger but my wrist was held tightly as she yanked me back down.


My eyes widened at her as she gave me her deathly glare. I looked around knowing it's just us and i bit my lip chuckling nervously. "Emory i'm going to be late for my Chem test-"

"Does it look like i give two shits? Your going to eat." She gripped my wrist tighter. "Now."

Sitting before me, the burger laughed. The fries cackled like witches while i felt my nose burn and my vision grow blurry.

"Emory p-please-"

"Eat Thalia. Or help me god i will force this burger down your throat!"

I let out a strangled sob. "Emory don't do this you know i-"

She stood up banging her fist on the table creating a booming Thud throughout the empty place.

"I am not going to loose you! I almost did and and i was blind...So Trapped in my own issues i didn't even notice h-how small you were getting. Thalia your beautiful. Your fucking beautiful and i can't stand how you are letting your head get filled with those poisonous words!" She had tears rolling down her cheeks and i slowly stood up. "Y-you can fool Isla but not me. No i'm not blind!"

I shushed her as i held her in my arms. Pressing her against my chest i kissed her head and swayed side to side. Our bodies straining across the table as we comforted each other.

Tears rolled down my cheek as she let out loud wailing sobs. I realized how much i broke her now. I never thought she cared. I just assumed it was her guilty conscious for not seeing the signs. But she cares...They both do...

I glanced at the burger. I can let his words tear holes in my body breaking me apart or i can eat and make my friends happy.

Releasing Emory from my grip, I took the burger and took a huge bit from it. I could feel my throat wanting to close up and spit it out, but one look from Emory and i swallowed.


The rest of the day was exhausting. Acing the World History Homework with a A i had to thank Isla for that one. 

Emory had to leave school early to watch her little brother who got sick. So That left me having to take the bus to school.

After 3 hours of traffic, i finally made it home only to frown at the sight of the Black BMW sitting on the front of my curb. Narrowing my eyes i wondered why He was home so early.

Slowly opening the front door, i heard whispers and a low conversation. 

Making my presence known, a Pair of Honey brown eyes caught mines. "Oh your home."

He looked at his watch and i saw his jaw tick. "late."

"Sorry, I had to take the bus and there was traffic." I noticed the other Gentlemen. He seemed older than my step father, with a pepper salt look to him with aging ginger hair.

"Thalia, This is my boss Mr. Bishop." I smiled at the older man as he returned it. 

"Nice to meet you Thalia." 

I looked over at Micheal - My step dad- in a questioning manner. 

"Mr. Bishop is here for some documents. Also I'll be gone for a business trip tonight for 2 weeks. I trust you do what you usually do while im here?"

He eyed my body and i bit my lip as i tried to hold in my tears. "Yes."

Yes my ass.

Broken Innocence.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ