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I could feel the draft from my shut window, my room the only room in the house that's cold despite the heat on.

My bed was messed up, sheets wrinkled evidence someone slept on it. Just not me.

I eyed the corner of the bed and watched as the body curled beneath the furry blanket chest went up and down.

I shook my head glancing at the clock. It was 6:30am yet outside looked like it was midnight.

Winter vibes.

The door to my room slowly opened, and I saw Isla tip toe inside, with two cups of hot steaming chocolate in her hands. She smiled down at me and sat down on the soft carpet.

"Hey" She whispered, handing me the cup. I took it from her as i ran my hands through my hair staring at the spread out paper and open text books.

Sharpies and Markers were uncovered and slowly drying leaving little imprints of its ink on my notebook.

"Still can't get through it?" She asked picking up some of my notes. I shook my head and glanced at Emory, jealous that she can rest and snore away while I'm up and early just to finish school assignments.

"Lemme see." I looked at Isla and smiled gratefully. She was always the smart one out of all of us. So beautiful too. A model and a Actress at such a young age plus a  High School student, I'm surprised she hasn't cracked yet. I could never do what she does on a daily basis.

"We have to get to school soon." She reminded me. I sighed. "But i have this class in first period and it's due today."

She looked at the assignment and bit her lips. "I'll do it. When we get home I'll go over it with you so you know what to do next time. Go hurry and get ready for school."

I eyed her. "You sure?"

She kissed my cheek and nodded towards Emory. "Wake the beast up from her nap will ya?"

 I giggled and hugged Isla tightly, grateful for a friend like her in my life. I owe her big time.

As i got up, taking the hot chocolate with me i sat besides Emory and pulled back the blanket, resting the steaming cup beneath her nose moving it around so she can get a good whiff of it.

I laughed when her nose wrinkled and she sniffed. Her eyes soon opened as she sat up.


"No. Hot Chocolate. Now get your fat ass up, were going to be late for school."

She frowned and i got up laughing. "Ugh i hate you both." As i made my way off the bed she caught my wrist and i looked at her while she eyed the steaming cup her lips parted.

I smirked and sat the cup on top of my dresser across the room. She looked at me with narrowed eyes and i winked grabbing my towel and toothbrush making my way to the bathroom.



After dressing in cotton nude panties and bra, I searched through my slightly disorganized closet. I frowned at the sight of it, my towel wrapped tightly around my naked wet body.

"Thalia! Thalia, there you are were gonna be late for-" Emory stopped already dressed. She was a pretty thing. Greenish, greyish eyes. Thick lashes. Rosy cheeks. She had Emo style to her that not everyone could rock. She screamed confident and fearless and that's exactly what she is.

She had her hair in a ponytail, her bangs freshly pressed. She just gotten her nose pierced. I call it the Horse Shoe piercing since i can never remember the name of it.

"Lia? What's wrong?" 

I gave her a small smile and looked back at my closet. "Can't choose a outfit?"

I bit my lip and shook my head. "Hey...Are you-"

"No. I'm fine." I quickly grabbed two random clothing and rushed passed her, not ready to talk about that sore subject.


I couldn't look in the mirror today. Not at all. Even as i fixed my hair i did a quick glance and scurried as fast as possible out of the bathroom.

I already felt hot and trapped in my clothes. It felt...tight.

He's right...I'm just a fat ass bitch.


Entering school side by side with these two felt nice. Felt safe. We were all different but the same.

Despite how confident and fearless Emory is, she had lost her Twin brother in a drive by shoot out. Mistaking him for someone else, they killed the wrong person.

Even though, Isla is beautiful and a talented person, her family despises her career and rather her be a fancy doctor just like everyone else in there family.

We're all not perfect. We all have something that we keep from the outside world.

"Here you go Thalia." Isla passed me my World History Homework and i took it gratefully skimming through it. "How did you-"

"The question asked too find a historic Event that you believe should not be known to the world. Not a historic Event that happened that isn't in the world. You got the question mixed up. You need better glasses." 

I blushed in embarrassment. "T-thank you Isla." She winked. 

"Well i have to get to practice. I'll see you two at lunch?" We nodded and she made her way down the hall. Eyes already on her ass.

I looked over at Emory and she was looking somewhere else. As i followed the direction where her eyes was, i saw her eyeing someone with messy brown hair. I squinted my eyes even with my glasses on. Isla is right.

As the person turned around, i gasped.

He wore a piercing on his bright red lips. If you saw him and didn't know who he was, you would of assumed it was lipstick on his lips.

He was skinny yet lean and muscular. He wore a bright blue sweater over his white collared shirt. The sleeves were rolled up, revealing his veiny arms that had all girls swooning over.

August Black.

I slightly frowned. Oh Emory...

"Hey." I nudged her and she blinked looking back at me. Her eyes were wet and I knew her pain. I knew it all too well.

"Don't think about it ok..?" She nodded giving me a weak smile and this wasn't the Emory i know. This was the old Emory. The emotional Fragile little girl.

I gave her a quick hug and we walked our separate ways to get to class. While she turned the corner to walk up the stairs, i had to walk down the hall towards the famous Mr. Black.

My eyes caught his as he looked up from his phone. I narrowed my eyes at him and scoffed walking past. 

I knew he knows who I am. I was there. Through all of it.

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