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Staring at the ceiling, day 5 I kept thinking of what Leonardo said.

If Emory is in trouble or she is not who she say she is, then why am I here?

If he wasn't going to give me answers then I will have to find out by myself. One way or another, I will find what I have gotten myself into.

Getting dressed, I grabbed my phone and turned the door knob to see if it was unlock.

It better be, or else I will knock it down. I didn't move in here just to be treated as a prisoner. As I looked down the halls on both sides, I ran down the hall, seeing the stairs. Making my way down, my heart thumped faster as I came closer to the end, once my feet was placed on the bottom of the stair well I let out a shaky breath.

I didn't see anyone or any signs of people but i did see my exit. I smiled and rushed out the front door and down the long ass drive way passing the pool entrance and straight onto the streets. 


I reached the three story black and white house panting and out of breath.

Running all the way here was a real workout especially since it was 1-2 hours away. Can't call me fat now can you Michael?

Without wasting another breath, I knocked on the door and soon it opened revealing Mrs. Smoke.

"Thalia? Oh dear, what are you doing here?" She stepped aside and I headed in.

After all these years stepping inside this house, this was the first time I felt like the walls was closing in on me and I couldn't breathe. 

"Emory isn't here. She's with Isla, I thought you would be with the girls?"

I shook my head searching, but for what? "No I moved in with a...friend so I haven't been around"

She just nodded. "I'm actually here to see you"

She looked surprise as she sat down on the couch, patting the seat besides her. "Oh, come sit."

I sat down and took a deep breath. I've known this woman for a very long time. She's like a 2nd mother to me, so to ask her this question was like asking her if she murdered my mother.

"Mrs. Smoke..."

She looked at me urging me to continue. "I'm really sorry to ask this, but is Mr. Smoke...Emory's biological dad?"

Her face slowly dropped as her skin turned pale. "E-excuse me?"

"I'm really sorry to ask!"

"What makes you think he isn't?" She rubbed her arms as she looked around. Her head suddenly turned to me. "Did she say something? Did someone come up to you?"

I narrowed my eyes at her sudden questions. "Who?"


"Who would come up to me and ask me that?" She didn't say anything. More questions rushed through my head than I came here with.

"So it's true." I whispered. "Does Emory know?" 

Her silence was my answer. So Emory real father is out there searching for her and yet I have to pay the price by staying with Leonardo.

But I don't get it. Why me? Why do I have to? Why not Emory?

That's the one question I will get the answer to one way or another.

I stood up and rushed to the door.


I looked behind me to see Mrs. Smoke. "D-Don't tell Emory."

I frowned. "Mrs. Smoke...or is that even your real name?" She looked down. I sighed. "Emory will find out soon, whether it's by me or not. She will find out."

Without another word, I walked out the door and made my way back to the house.


                                                                            Leonardo POV:

I knocked on the door since she hasn't been out all day. I leaned my forehead against the door sighing as they was no response.

"Come on Thalia.." I whispered. I really wondered why I cared so much about this girl. I could leave her and her friends alone. Let him get to them without caring.

I sighed knowing the truth deep down. I knew exactly why I kept Thalia here instead of her bestfriend Emory. Why I am not protecting Emory and protecting her. 

I swallowed the guilt clawing at my chest as I wrapped my fingers around the door knob. Surprised to find it open and not locked as usual. I pushed the door open, peeking through.

When I didn't hear no movement of yelling, I stepped inside seeing the room empty.

Anger swarmed inside of me as I cursed under my breath.

This fucking girl.

"AUGUST!" I yelled. I rushed down the stairs and I saw the group in the living room.

They looked at me and quickly stood up. "She's gone!" I growled. "Find her now!"

She's my only key to power.

Check out my instagram at nyccc._kriss

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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