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"So you agree to the terms?" His strained voice spoke as I stared at my packed bags and empty room.

I nodded, not clearly understanding my reasons on why I have to move.

"Yeah, I just don't get why I have to-"

"Move? live with me?" I nodded to his response. He sighed and I finally looked at him for the first time today. His dark hair messy, and his mossy eyes closed as his head tilted back along with his body in my desk chair. "Remember our deal, and your reason for it. To keep your bestfriend safe. Haven't she dealt with enough?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Look, I already agreed. I just asked a simple question. Don't guilt trip me into something I already agreed too. I know what my own bestfriend dealt with, I was there for her every second of every day. And remember, it was your buddy who ruined her even more."

"I know and he will be punished for it." I scoffed. 

"What? your going to tie him up and spank him until he says he's sorry? Yeah leave your kinky shit to your self."

I grabbed my bags- or what I could pick up by myself- and made my way downstairs.

I heard him get off the chair and I assumed he picked up a bag seeing him slightly strain. 

As I made it out of the house, I realized in the end this was sort of a relief. No more evil stepdad talking bad about me and my size. No more remembering the pain I went through, as each room of that house lived to experience and tell a story.

My thumbs rubbed over my wrist that was covered by the oversized hoodie I threw on, only I and two other breathing souls knows about the scars I hold. I saw Leonardo exit from the house and make his way to his car. He popped open the trunk and threw in all the bags, slamming it shut.

"Are you going to get in?" He huffed and ran his fingers through his dark locks.

I hope to keep it that way. Just three.


My phone never stopped ringing for the past few days. I've been locked up in my new room, inhaling new air and sleeping in a new bed.

I missed my friends, but I couldn't see them without explaining to them what Leonardo told me. 

I heard a knock on the door and I sighed. "Go away."

"Thalia we have to talk."

It upsets me that I know that voice by heart. "Come in..." The door opened, and he stepped inside wearing black sweats and a wife beater. His tattoos and muscles were exposed and I couldn't help but brush my eyes over them for a quick second.

"You haven't changed or eatened in the past two days Thalia. What about school?"

"You think I can think about school right now?" I stared at him. "I barely know you, and you just suddenly arrive out of the blue and tell me some bullshit without any proof might I add."

"You want proof?"

I nodded. "Yes I want a good enough reason on why I have to stay here!"

"Isn't your friend life on the line a good enough reason?"

"NO! IT ISN'T" I yelled angrily, sitting on the edge of the bed gripping my loose hair. "You come into my home, my life and just tell me that my bestfriend who I've known for years is not who she says she is and that she is really some some...Ass wipe daughter who is also the leader of some cartel and is looking for her and what? wants to kill her?" I shook my head. "Your lying. Mr. Smoke is Emory's father. Those two are her parents! T-they look like her, they share the same DNA. There is no way in hell that man is some leader of a Cartel!"

"Who said anything about Mr. Smoke being her biological father?" 

I blinked and looked at him. "W-what are you...No. Mrs. Smoke would never cheat! The lady is practically a nun."

"Looks are deceiving Thalia." He crotched down in front of me and rested his hands on my knees. "After...August told me about his incident with Emory, I did a background search on her. Which led to you and your other friend Isla."

I stood up. "You did what?"

"I had to know of the person August knocked up!"




He narrowed his beautiful eyes at me. "No, I had no right going through YOUR life. Knowing what YOUR stepfather does or did to you. How your father died when you was really young-"

"Shut up"

"-Or how your mother died when you were 16-"

"s-shut up"

"Or even how, you live with a abusive stepfather who hurts you with words and put you in the hospital for almost a year because you was on suicidal watch for starving yourself and cutting."

He suddenly grabbed my arms and yanked my sleeve down revealing the same scars I can never get away from. "I know more about you than  you think princess. I know about your friends and I know about you. I know that your friend isn't who she say she is, and maybe because she doesn't even know who she say she is either."

He tightened his grip on me when I tried to yank my hands away. "Your reason for being here. Staying with ME living in MY house is because you can help her. You can save her, and you being here will protect her and you and your friends."

"H-how? Shouldn't she be the one in here with you? With August?"

He looked at me, and looking into his eyes I knew there was something he wasn't telling me.

"What? What is it? Is Emory not the only one in trouble here?" He let go of my arms and headed towards the door. "LEONARDO STOP AND TELL ME THE TRUTH"

He stopped, turned to me and looked at me with those dark eyes. "The truth is that your here to protect people you care about. And to protect yourself."

He walked out, slamming the door and I screamed chucking a pillow at the shut door.


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