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I never realized how peaceful humans look when they are in the depths of deep slumber. Just by looking at one you would think all well within the world, and maybe it is but not in my world.

As I watch Sky sleep I realize two things, one being that I have finally embraced the fact that I'm a nonhuman and the other is that for the first time in my life I am truly scared. For the last few days all I have been feeling this intense fear, gut wrenching fear that at any moment one of the demons after me would come and kill the love of my life. Hence why I have been watching him sleep and basically following him around for days now.

Of course Sky has no idea that his girlfriend is a part-time peeping tom. I figured nothing good would come out of him knowing that I watch over him while he sleeps. Our relationship is already unconventional, I don't want to put more strain on it. Besides it's probably best he doesn't know. How would I even explain why I'm obsessing over his safety? It's not like I can just blurt out that I'm an Angel and there are demons trying to kill me. Yeah, Sky wouldn't take it well.

I check my time and realize I need to get back at my house. As much as I would like to stay here all night and through the morning, I can't. My father would kill me if he realized I was sneaking out to spend time with Sky and Sky would be equally as upset since he has no idea that 'I'm spending time' with him. So I have no choice but to get back to my house.

I give him a soft kiss on the lips before leaving. Leaving his house is not so hard since Ella sleeps like a baby and their father is hardly home. It infuriates me that anyone can easily get into their house, anyone that isn't me that is.

I start to walk home in the cold dark street. But I'm no longer afraid. You could say it's because I'm now in the fact that I'm one of the most powerful beings ever created but it's also because I know he's watching over me. I felt him ever since I started this mission of watching my love. The demon has somewhat become my angel.

"How long have you been waiting?" I ask him without even looking at him. I don't need to, I already felt his presence.

"Long enough." He replies.

He's been waiting the waiting. I know this my heart beats faster when he's around. Aurora gets excited when her soulmate is near.

"You don't need to watch over me." I tell him as we continue to walk to my house.

"I will not leave you." But what he means is he will not leave Aurora. He knows that if I die she dies, thus he can't ever leave me alone.

"I don't need your protection James. I can protect myself."

Suddenly he grabs me and presses me by a nearby wall, his body blocking me from escaping him. Of course I could easily push him off me but I'm conflicted. My heart won't stop pounding and my feelings are torn. Aurora is enjoying the physical contact between James and I and as much as I want to push him off I can't.

"I know you think you are strong and maybe you are but Soliaire is much much worse than any nightmare out there. He has every demon out there because he wants the pleasure of breaking you." I can hear the fear in his voice. He places his hand on my out of control beating heart. "And if he breaks you, he breaks her." His voice nearly breaks as he says the last words.

Without realizing it or thinking it over I raise my hands and place them on either sides of his face. "I'm going to be fine. You don't have to worry about me."

"I can't lose you again." His voice is an agonized whisper.

"You won't." I say, not sure if I'm Aurora or Heaven.

"Aurora." James says, our mouths only inches away from each other.

"James." He's very close to kissing me. "Its Heaven." It takes all my will power to tell me. Aurora was this close to gaining full control but I overpowered her.

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