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It's been over ten minutes since Alice left the TV room so that Riley and I can begin our session but neither Riley nor I have exchanged any words other than pleasantries of course. I'm quiet because I'm trying to figure out a way to get James out of the penthouse and I suspect Riley is quiet because it's been quite a while since she had a session with me.

"Would you rather we go to your bedroom?" She breaks the silence. Her question is reasonable because we usually talk in my room for reasons I suspect are all calculated on her part.

"No." I answer quickly , the last place I want to be is my room right now.

"Ok." Like always my therapist doesn't argue. "How have you been?" She asks as she links her fingers together.

"Alright I guess." I reply a bit distracted by her appearance. She looks the same if you don't count the new man haircut she's spotting and the sc hiarlett red nail polish on her nails. I don't remember her being this glamorous but then I again back then I never paid attention to her appearance because most times I would be violently trying to get out of a straight jacket.

"I was pleasantly surprised when your father told me you wanted to see me." One would think it's a social visit because of the way she's acting and it makes me wonder if all therapists are this optimistic or if it's just Miss Riley Stevens.

I start playing with my fingers , a nervous habit that doesn't go unnoticed buy my doctor. "I just needed to see you. I started school this week , it's ok I guess."

"Hmmm." She starts to write in her notebook , I guess that's her nervous habit. "Tell me more about school."

I start to go on and on about school , about the party and I had alcohol and about making friends with Ella and Kevin. I also gush about Sky and how I think I love him already. This gets Riley's full attention because as soon as the words are out of my mouth she stops writing a bit then resumes after a few seconds of getting over her shock. I tell her about the Rosemont sisters and how uncomfortable they make me but I don't go into much detail because I have already told enough for one session.

"Let's talk about your friend Sky."

"He's not my friend he's my boyfriend." I correct her firmly. I know she did it on purpose to see how I would react but I won't call her out on it because she will probably give me a smart answer since getting in my head is like a piece of cake to her.

"Of course , now tell me about him."

"He's my partner in chemistry. He has a twin sister who happens to be my friend by the way and he's handsome and intelligent and funny and grumby but he's also cute. Oh and he's a good kisser as well." I add before covering my face with my hands.

"And you have decided you love him?" She asks and I uncover my face.

"No I love him." I tell her.

"Love is a strong word...."

"And what I feel for Sky is even stronger." I interrupt her , trying my best not to snap or shout at her.

"I don't doubt it but I'm just concerned." She says softly , clearly unfazed by my attitude. "From what you have told me you and Sky have interacted in less than a week and in an even lesser time you have managed to start dating. I can see that you clearly have intense feelings for this young man but I'm worried that in an attempt to feel something you have convinced yourself you love him."

I hate how she manages to get me to overthink things. "But I really love him , right?" I ask myself.

"I don't doubt that your feelings for him are real. You might even love him , remember I don't know everything I'm just hear to help anyway I can." Her words are a little comforting. "Just take it easy. There's no need to rush or force yourself into anything. I don't want you obsessing over it."

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