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I watch Amelia  walking towards her sisters and I replay our conversation in my head.As much as I try to make any sense of it I come to the conclusion that it is the weirdest conversation I have ever had.
"Evie!" Ella's voice interrupts my thoughts."Get over here."

I walk over to where Ella,Kevin,Sky and some other chick I don't recognize are sitting.Im still reeling from the conversation I had with Amelia Rosemont.What the hell was that?And where the hell had that remark about my eyes come from.

"What were you talking about?"

I look up at Kevin and wonder what he is referring to. "What?"

"With the Rosemont chick." he tries to come off as uninterested but something about the way he said her name makes me wonder if he actually feels something for the brunette beauty.

"Well she was welcoming me to the school." I don't wanna go deeper into the conversation I had with Amelia so I only mention the non weird parts of  our "talk".

"Anything else?" Kevin persists and he seems particularly interested in what Amelia said but I stick to my story.

Before I can shrug off the whole topic Ella chips in."If you are so curious why don't you ask Amelia herself." she rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her juice.

"It was just a question Ella." Kevin says defensively.

"Well it seems a bit more than curiosity to me."

"Enough you two." the other girl whose name I don't know says. "You sound like a couple."
Kevin rolls his eyes at the girl's comment and a pained expression flashes over Ella's face.It then becomes blatantly clear to me that Kevin is oblivious to Ella's not so platonic feelings towards him.
That's not all I notice about my new friends however.The new girl's name is Pheobe and she seems to like Sky but I can't say for sure if Sky shares those feelings.
The rest of the lunch break goes smoothly seeing as noone makes an effort to talk to anyone except of course the occasional questions from Pheobe directed only at Sky.I am annoyed with how she is openly displaying her feelings to a very dense Sky.I am however pleased with the fact that he treats the same way he treats everyone else, meaning she doesn't mean anything to him.

After school I go straight home even though I am momentarily tempted to take up Ella on her offer to go shopping.I lock myself in my room to avoid any follow up questions from my family about how my day was.My stepmom tries to persuade me into having a snack but I decline and I have a good reason too,I need to relax today was exhausting.

It's been thirty minutes and I'm still in the bubble bath.Its quite relaxing but I think I'm getting sleepy.I continuously try to stay awake but I'm struggling so in the end I succumb and drift into sleep.

I can't breathe.I feel like im drowning.I try to scream but the words won't come out.Im fading but he won't let go, he's still holding me under and I decide to give up.Before I can give him the satisfaction of dying I'm pulled out of the water and I feel him caressing my hair."It's the beginning of the end.Hold my hand,I won't let you fall,I shall keep you safe always." he kisses my forehead and dissapears before my eyes.....

I open my eyes breathless and gasping for air.My heartbeat is spiking no doubt still reacting at the depths of my dream or nightmare.I hate it when I have these dreams,they just feel so real.
I'm still coughing when Ronnie comes into my bathrom,her eyes wide when she sees me.

"Oh my God , Evie are you okay?" she asks.

"Yes."I say rather breathlessly.

"Why are you on the floor?"she asks ,her eyes filled with panick."Jesus, Evie did you try to....."

"No." I snap at her.To tell the truth I hadn't even realized I was on the tiled floor.I didn't remember getting out of the tub ,I guess I had got out during my sleep?

"Ok ,let's get you dressed." Ronnie helps me off the floor and I hang onto her as we get out of the bathroom.

I reluctantly let Ronnie help me into wearing my pajamas. She's convinced I'm a little weak and seeing as I don't know what is happening myself I don't bother arguing with her.

"I take it you won't be having dinner tonight." It's as much a question as it is a question.

"Yes." After my bathroom fiasco the last thing on my mind is food."You should go though." I tell her.

"Ok.Night sis."she blushed as she says "sis" then corrects herself."I mean Evie."she says quickly and leaves my room.

It took hours before I could sleep again.Fortunately this time I didn't have any weird dreams but I can feel someone watching me, touching me through the sheets.I don't pay it much attention because it could Ronnie checking up on me or simply that I'm imagining all of it.
However I feel a hand grazing my face and instantly wake up when a voice I barely recognize mutter "mine" in my ear.
I immediately turn on my bedside lights and I'm stunned when I don't see anyone.
I sigh heavily and decide that maybe I'm beginning to lose my mind a little.Before I can go back to sleep or at least try to sleep I notice that my window is open.
I decide to not make a big deal of it as it is hot anyway and I probably might have forgot to close it.What else could it possibly be anyway?

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