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Forbidden love. The tale as old as time. The story whereby star-crossed lovers fight tooth and nail to be together even though the odds are against them. The most popular must be the classic Romeo and Juliet and the least popular must be the one about Angels and demons , the one which I apparently feature in.

The idea that I might be a part of some bizarre and twisted version of Romeo and Juliet is just absurd. I think the most absurd part about all this is the fact I'm not even the Juliet in this story. I'm just a blonde version of the redhead Angel who is fighting desperately to be reunited with her demon love interest. Honestly I don't know how I feel about having Aurora living inside of me. I wanna believe that it's all some dream or that none of this is real but I know it's neither of that. I can feel that this is my reality and deep down I think I have always known that there was something inside of me , I just never thought it could be cursed angel.

"Heaven? Are you alright?"

It's a stupid question really but I'm not going to be rude. I nod before replying Amelia. "Yes , I'm fine." I know that none of them believe me but they don't question me further.

"Do you wanna talk some more?" Cassandra asks and I shake my head. If I hear anymore my head might just blow up.

"I think I should go." I tell them before getting up from their couch.

They all frown. "Is that wise?"

"Yes." Right now I need to be with one person and one person alone. Sky. He's the only person I trust to make me feel better at the moment and I need to go back to him.

"Are you sure you want to be with him in light of what you know?" Nikolina's voice pulls me from my comforting thoughts of Sky. Of course , how could I forget , they read minds.

For once I don't let it bother me , at this point in my life mind-reading is the least of my worries. "Yes. I love him."

I can see they don't really approve of my relationship but who cares? Amelia kisses my forehead before placing her hands on either sides of my face and looking straight into my eyes. "Okay but be careful , demons aren't the only ones who can harm us out there." For a moment I don't know what she means but then I remember the whole thing about how falling inlove means being enslaved. Well at least Sky isn't some demon.

I give her a tight smile and nod the proceed to leave. My hands are shaking as I start Ella's shiny Porsche. I'm still reeling from what I have just discovered. I'm trying to process it all but I can't. I think what concerns me the most is the part about Sky. How am , if ever , going to tell him this? Will he still want to date me or will he be scared of the freak that I am? Ok maybe Angels don't exactly fall under the 'freak' category but still I don't see a future in which he's comfortable with what I am.

Maybe I am worrying over nothing. Maybe he doesn't even have to know. The Rosemont sisters have managed to live double for quite a long time so maybe I can just follow in their footsteps. But deep down I know it's gonna be hard for me to live a double life. My life was already complicated before all this and I was barely coping , so this is not going to be easy. On top of this will also mean that I'm lying to Sky and I don't want that kind of relationship , Lord knows I will just die if he kept that kind of secret from me but maybe that's because I'm kind of a slave to my feelings when it comes to him.

But looking back is it really worth it? Maybe I should just succumb and let Aurora borrow control of my body once in a while. Who knows maybe she might even take better care of it than I do. Considering all those suicidal attempts I haven't been taking care of myself all that well......wait a minute.

I halt the car when realisation hits me. I was nine years when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It was around the time my mom died , I knew I was depressed but it was to be expected since I had lost yet another mother. But then the self harm started and my dad decided that I needed professional help and in came in doctor Riley Stevens. I remember the first time I saw her , she smelled nice and I was mesmerized by her different accent which I later found out was an English accent....

Haunted BeastsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora