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Forgive me Father for I have sinned against my mistress.....

The first words are more like a confession rather than any sort of secret you would normally read in diaries. But then again, there's nothing normal about any of this.

"Evie, are you okay?" Ronnie asks, she's sitting beside me in the back seat of the car which is unusual because I always sit with my father in the front, but after what happened last night, I think we both need our space.

I quickly close the diary and hastily put it in my back pack. "Yes I'm fine." After what she just revealed to me she should know I'm far from being okay.

I wonder how much of Aurora's secrets she read. I could easily read her mind and find out but my head is wrapped around Aurora's diary so much that I can't think of anything else.

And I'm also trying to figure out how to confront Cassandra about this. This is mostly her fault, if she had kept her distance and hadn't revealed so much of herself to Ronnie, we wouldn't be in this mess.

"Evie...." My stepsister starts again.

"What?" I snap my head at her, cutting her off.

I can see she wants to know more about the whole nonhuman thing. Even though she's sure she's right, she wants me to confirm it, she wants me to say it.


Before she can say anything my cellphone starts ringing and I look away from her so I can answer it.

"Hello?" I answer without checking to see who it is.

"Heaven," Sky's voice comes in, pleasantly surprising me. "Where are you?" There's an unusual edge in his voice.

"Hi to you too." I say teasingly.

"This is serious, where are you?" He asks again and I have to say he does sound serious.

I frown at his tone. "Ummm, I'm on my way to school. We are actually on the highway." I tell him. "Is everything okay?" I ask and even notice my father looking at me with concern through the review mirror.

"I don't know. After what happened yesterday I just wanted to see you, to make sure you are okay." He adds quietly.

I smile at his words, he's so thoughtful and his simple gesture has made me feel so much better. "Don't worry, I'm almost there and I'm fine—"

"Daddy watch out!" Ronnie's frantic startles me so much that I drop my phone. But dad is even more startled as he loses control of the wheel in the hopes of trying to avoid a collision with whatever is in the way. The car tires screech before the car rolls upside down.

The smell of fresh blood invades my nostrils, instantly making me conscious. What happened, where am I?

"Evie?" That's Ronnie's voice. "Help me, I can't move." She sounds like she's on the verge of tears.

My eyes instantly open and only then do I realize we are still in the car, which has by the way, rolled over.

Ronnie is by my side and her forehead is smeared with blood, she's breathing hard, possibly having a panic attack.

"I can't move." She tells me tears streaming down her face.

"Me neither." The front seats are practically crushing our legs, making it impossible to move.

"Oh my God, we are going to die!" She cries even more. "We are going to die Evie!"

"Ronnie, calm down. We are going to be okay." I use my other hand to reach out and touch her, carefully avoiding the blood on her face just in case Aurora is close by. "I'm going to get us out of here, okay?"

"You are?" She sounds so scared.

"Yes, just calm down." I tell, my voice calm mostly for her sake.

"Ok, I will be calm." She says, more to herself than to me. She's still breathing hard but at least she's no longer panicking as much.

"I'm going to get out then help you out as well, ok." I remove my hand from her face and start for the door on my side.

"What about dad?" Ronnie asks abruptly. "Is he okay?"

To think I had almost forgotten about my own father. I take a moment to listen then realize that he's unconscious but thankfully not dead. "He's fine." I assure Ronnie. "He's not awake but he's heart is still beating." One thing about being a nonhuman is the unnatural sense of hearing things like heartbeats.

Ronnie doesn't say anything, she just nods and I'm relieved. Now isn't the time to talk about my unusual talents. The main concern right now is getting us out of this car and calling for help.

I ignore the aching pain in my legs and remove from underneath the front seats. I instantly feel relieved knowing that I can finally move them but my relief is short lived as I use all the force I have to kick open the door.

"I'm going to get you out." I promise Ronnie as I practically crawl out of the car.

"Okay. Maybe you can ask the girl for help."

I frown, what is she talking about. "What girl?"

"The one who are was blocking dad's way. Didn't you see her?"

Ronnie's claims confirm what I already suspected, this wasn't a natural accident. A girl standing in the middle of the road just before we get into an almost fatal accident. That doesn't sound like a human at all and and if it's not a human, it's a demon.

There's only one demon who would go to all this trouble to kill me, well a lot of them would, but Sarrtina is very much motivated. She wants to please her master and she will stop at nothing to see me dead.

"You are very right."

I gasp in shock and fear when I hear the icy familiar voice. My head snaps around to see the vision in black with long red hair that is Sarrtina. Her veil is partially covering her face but I could never forget her or her voice.

"I live to please my master and he wants you dead."

I swallow but try to keep a straight face, I can't let her see how she's intimidating me. "You already tried and you failed."

"True," she agrees with me, "But thankfully I'm not the only one."

Before I can understand what she means, I feel someone knock me onto the ground. I don't see it coming because all my attention was on Sarrtina but I guess she didn't come alone.

I groan in pain as I try to open my eyes. When I do finally open them I see exactly who attacked me and she looks awfully familiar.

"Nice to see you again Heaven." I recognize her voice and it takes me to recognize her face, she's the brunette from the alley, the one who tried to kill me before James showed up.

"You!" They know each other?

She smiles at me. "What, did you think you were the only one with sisters?"

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