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Dinner surprisingly goes smoothly. Cassandra is back to her usual herself. Watching her now carefree and chatting endlessly with Ronnie, you would never think that she was just crying in my arms just minutes earlier.

My whole family is quite taken by the Rosemont sisters even my dad. I don't blame them because the three sisters look so normal that I briefly wonder if it's from all these years of practice or if they were always good at concealing the nature of their true identity.

It then hits me that it's no longer accurate to refer to the Rosemont sisters as 'them' cause like it or not I'm a part of whatever twisted nature they are as well. Maybe I should take lessons on how to act 'normal' from them. They did help me with the whole hearing people's loud thoughts thing. And considering the fact that the nonhuman with a demon inside of me, I could learn a lot from them.

When Amelia announce that it's time they go home Alice practically whines, not wanting them to leave. If the Rosemont sisters were normal I would feel embarrassed by my stepmother's behavior but I'm sure they will still come back even if my whole family is being really weird towards them. They are probably used to humans being like this.

Alice, Ronnie and I walk them to the elevator. Personally I would have preferred to stay behind finishing my food but it would have been rude to let my mother and sister see my 'friends'out on their own.

"Please feel free to come anytime." Alice tells them as we walk them out.

"Of course Alice." Amelia replies, smiling.

"I was getting ready to tell you you can call me Alice but I guess you read my mind." She adds before laughing lightly, completely oblivious to the fact that Amelia did read her mind.

Fortunately Amelia is so good at this that she doesn't let Alice see exactly how right she is.

"We should get going. Again thank you for having us."

Cassandra hugs Ronnie, giving her a kiss on both cheeks before releasing her. She hugs me as well but doesn't let me go as quickly as she did Ronnie.

"It was nice talking to you sister." She whispers in my ear.

I feel myself softens up as I remember the heart to heart Cassandra and I shared earlier.

"It was talking to you as well." I whisper back and she finally releases me.

"See you at school." She says before turning to Ronnie. "See you around Veronica."

"Yes you too." Ronnie nearly stutters but I'm still shocked by the fact that Cassandra just called her Veronica to pay actually pay attention.

They wave at us once more before the elevator doors finally close.

"Your friends are nice." Ronnie says

Not knowing what to say I just smile at her, besides I'm more interested in what's going on in her mind to care about what she's saying. It's not entirely clear but Ronnie has developed a particular fondness for the Rosemont sisters, especially Cassandra Rosemont.

I wonder if I should exercise my sisterly duties and warn her not to get too attached to the Rosemonts. But then again I can't tell her anything against them without incriminating myself as well so maybe I should just leave it alone.

After helping my sister with the dishes I rush back to my bedroom. I need to talk to Aurora and I can't exactly do it with an audience, especially my family.

I lock my door before standing in front my mirror and summoning my demon friend. I don't really know how to do this but I have done it before and she appeared.

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