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They arrive back to their world of Xnandria and the master is barely alive. She worries that he's going to bleed to death and die. It's a known fact that the wounds of the wings never heal, especially if the creature who tore them out is a powerful angel who's also half angel.

"Brothers , sisters!" She cries for help as she carries the master into his temple. "Achilles!" She calls for her sister. "Master is dying!"

They get into the temple and it's unusually empty with the exception of Zacharie, Hasiah and Achilles who's sitting in the master's chair by the way. Zacharie and Hasiah stand beside, making no attempt to come help help her with the master.

"So the girl managed to remove his wings, I hear the wounds never heal." Achilles dares to say.

Sarrtina senses a shift in her sister's loyalty. "Achilles what are you doing?"

"My brothers and I have been talking and we decided that I should take over the throne, I now rule the demon world and soon enough I will rule the human one too."

"What?" Sarrtina is angry. "You are not ruling anyone. Master will not allow it."

Achilles laughs. "I'm not asking for permission and frankly master doesn't have it within to rule Xnandria anymore. He couldn't even kill my offspring, if anything she destroyed him."

"It's only fair that Achilles takes over the throne, she's the one who created the girl and she's the one who will eventually destroy her." Hasiah says.

"You have two choices here, you can either accept our decision and bow before me or fight us." Achilles tells them. "And with your current situation, I would say bow down to your new queen."

Achilles is even worse than Soliaire and Sarrtina knows full well she won't hesitate to kill them if they try to fight her. And Achilles is right, they are out numbered so they won't get out of this one alive. So they only have one choice.

She looks at her master, her eyes telling him to hold on tightly to her. "Okay Achilles, we accept your decision."

But Achilles can see through Sarrtina, they been together for the longest time after all. "And you are going to regret it." She motions at Hasiah and Zacharie, ordering them to capture them.

But Sarrtina is way ahead of them, she spreads her wings quickly and flies away with her master before Zacharie and Hasiah can get their hands on them.

Sarrtina takes Soliaire to a secluded place, a place no one will ever find them. They are all alone now, Achilles's betrayal has left them vulnerable.

"The bleeding should stop soon." She uses part of her veil to bandage her master's wounds. "She will pay for this, they all will." Sarrtina says while she hovers over her master.

"Forget revenge Sarrtina." The words come out as forced, no doubt because of the pain of losing his wings. "Revenge will come later. Right now we need to blend in with the humans."

"Master?" She does not understand what he is saying.

"Heaven is the result of a union between a human and a nonhuman. That's why she's so strong and we need someone just as strong if we are going to fight Achilles for the throne."

"You want to mate with a human." Sarrtina finally understands what he is saying.

"Yes, we must interact with the humans."

It's easier said than done though. Interacting with humans is very hard especially for creatures who prey on them. Controlling their thirst around the humans and concealing their true identities is going to be a challenge but there's anyone who can master it, it's Soliaire, after all he is the first demon......


I feel like Sleeping Beauty and not just because we have the same name, but because we were both cursed and our version of death is more or less the same. The only difference is when Sleeping Beauty was kissed by her Prince Charming, her curse was lifted whereas I couldn't even touch my Prince Charming, much less kissing.

But that might have to do with the fact I was cursed by a more manipulative and sinister woman and in my case, the love of my existence wasn't even a prince but rather a demon.

I need to get up, I need to find James but where am I and what is going on? Am I dead? Is this spirit world? Somehow I doubt that, if this was the spirit world I would be a free spirit roaming around with James. But I'm not a spirit because I have a body.

But it's wrong because it's not my body, it's hers. The mirror reveals her naked body but it doesn't really bother me because I'm looking at it to find any hint of her in this body. But besides the blonde hair, there's nothing else I can link to the owner of this body.

My hand or her hand reaches out to touch the mirror, I want to touch her. Maybe she will come back for her body and I can finally die and reunite with my love.

My fingers connect with the cold glass showing me her reflection. I want her to come out so she can free me. I can't be trapped in another world without James, not again.

But before I can get her to come out I feel the presence of someone else in this room. I turn around to see a girl with dark hair. Her eyes are wide with shock and she is breathing heavily. What is wrong with her?

"Heaven?" She calls me, tears brimming in her eyes.

Heaven. So that's the girl's name. It sounds so peculiar, why don't I remember it or her?

I move closer to the girl, ignoring my nakedness. Once I'm right in front of her reach out and stroke her hair. It's so soft. "I'm Aurora." I tell her and seconds later she starts to scream like I have hurt her or something.

Startled by her reaction I recoil from her instantly. Now it's my turn to be shocked. Why is she screaming, what did I do to her?

Not long after a handful of people scurry in the room, obviously alarmed by her screams.

"Veronica what's wrong?" I recognize that voice, it's my sister Cassandra. She's here too?

And she's not the only here, Nikolina, Amelia and Zaralina are here too. There's a boy too. A handsome boy with blue eyes that are looking at me as if they can see through me. His reaction to me is similar to that of the screaming girl. He has the same hair as me slightly shorter and my heart, her heart beats faster as the sight of him. Who is this boy.

"Heaven?" He calls me that same peculiar name. He starts to approach me but Zaralina stops him, pulling him back.

"That's not Heaven." She tells the boy, her eyes never leaving mine.

"What?" The boy looks startled and shattered.

"I'm Aurora." I tell him like I told that girl.

"She's taken over Heaven's body." My sister Nikolina says.

So that's what I did? I was wondering what's going on and now I know. Well it wasn't by choice, my spirit had no where else to go.

"If she's here, then where's Heaven?" The girl with short hair asks and I have to say it's a really good question. If I'm here where's the owner of this body and most importantly, where is James?


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