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Six forty-five. That's what my timer is reading. I decide to get ready for school , sleep isn't that relaxing anyway. As I shower I notice that my hand is nolonger bleeding but the cut is still visible and it's not pretty. I'm a little anxious to get to school. I need to talk to Sky but the problem is I don't exactly what I'm going say to him. I know he's gonna ask about my hand , how will I begin to explain that somehow I felt the need to injure myself so I could seduce a vampire? He would think I'm insane , hell I'm beginning to think I'm insane.

I head downstairs with my backpack , ready to leave for school but my father and Ronnie are still having breakfast.

My father looks up when he sees me and immediately frowns. "You removed your bandage." It's not a question but a statement.

"Well yes. I'm nolonger bleeding." I give him a brief explanation.

"But shouldn't you wait until it's completely healed?"

"I will be fine dad." My voice is snappy but it isn't my intention.

"When is your next appointment with Doctor Stevens?"

It's tomorrow but I don't feel like seeing her. What's the point , she can't fix me or change what I am. "Tomorrow , why?" I ask even though I know the answer. My dad believes that Riley can help me with anything. I used to believe that myself but not so much as a hi.
"You need to see her."

"Sure." I don't want to talk about it right now but I know my father , I would never hear the end of it.

"Won't you have breakfast?" Alica asks and I shake my head.

"I eat at school." I say before addressing my father. "I will wait in the car." I briefly kiss my stepmom's cheek before I leave the apartment.

My dad and Ronnie don't make me wait too long for them. I stay quiet during the ride to school because of my anxiety. I'm  anxious to see Sky. I don't know what I'm going to say to him or what he's going to say to me. I wonder what he's thinking about yesterday , how I practically number him , destroyed his mirror and abruptly left without a word. I hope I can make him overlook my weird behavior and I really hope he doesn't decide I'm not worth dating after all.

I wave goodbye to my father and sister when they drop me off. I look around for Sky or Ella but I don't see either of them. I'm relieved because I'm not sure what I'm going to say to Sky yet. First class is chemistry so I make my way to the chem lab.

My heart starts hammering when I see him. He's on his usual spot , well technically it's our spot since I'm his chemistry partner. He's browsing through his notes and I just can't stop looking at him. His blonde hair looks messier than usual and I find myself desperately wanting to run my fingers through it. Whilst other students are taking advantage of the fact that the teacher hasn't showed up yet by chatting and catching up , Sky is busy with his notes. For some reason I find that very attractive , my hot sexy nerd.

He looks up and his eyes widen when he sees me. Knowing I can't avoid him any longer I decide it's time to face the music.

"Hi." I say as I sit next to him.

He looks at me as if he can't believe I'm actually here. "Hey." His voice is low and it makes me even more anxious.

"So how....."

"What the hell happened yesterday?" He doesn't yell at me but the tone of his voice tells me he's upset with me.

"I don't know." I answer honestly. It's true I'm not sure what happened yesterday and I just don't have in me to lie straight to his face.

"You don't know?" His voice is incredulous. "Heaven , you broke my mirror then came onto me then disappeared and all you have to say is you don't know?"

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