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I don't think I have ever been this excited before. I keep playing with Sky's hand in class. At first he's hesitant to participate in my playful act in class but he eventually gives in ,even interlocking our fingers and showing off his amazing dimples when I kiss our joined hands. I would have never thought that just after three days of attending school I would have a boyfriend or even friends.

Sky and I walk together to the cafeteria when it's lunchtime. I wanted to hold hands but he declined so I decide to hold on to his arm like the petulant teenager that I am.

"As cute as you guys are I think it's time you guys stop." Ella jokingly tells us.

"Tell her that." Sky says trying to feign annoyance."She keeps taking my food."

"No I didn't." I defend myself.

"Yes you did." Kevin shakes his head and Ella just giggles as Sky and I continue our playful banter. Phoebe however is not amused but she's not hostile either which makes me gain some respect for her. I know she has feelings for Sky so this must not be easy for her but she's not being a bitch to me and I appreciate that.

The atmosphere changes completely when Amelia and her sisters join us. Unlike yesterday they don't ask if they can sit, they just do like it's their norm.
Kevin doesn't seem to mind the intrusion though because he engages in a conversation with Amelia. I ,on the other hand, am deeply uncomfortable due to my confrontation with Cassandra at the party.

Ella seems to be in the same boat as me though maybe for different reasons because she is quick to ask "So this is now an everyday thing?" She doesn't even bother to hide the dissaproval in her voice.

"Ella." Kevin tries to stop her.

"What? I'm allowed to ask if they are now a permanent part of our group."

Sky rolls his eyes and pushes his plate away. "I have lost my appetite." He mutters and makes his way out of the cafeteria.

"Ummm excuse me." I say and get up to follow him but I don't think anyone noticed because they were all wrapped up in Ella and Kevin's argument.

I keep following Sky but stop when I see him enter the boy's restroom. I wait just outside the restroom though and receive weird glances from boys going in and out of the restroom. But I don't care it's not like I'm doing anything wrong.
It's about ten minutes now and Sky is still in the bathroom so I do what any normal girlfriend would do ,I march right into the boy's restroom.

It's not that different from our restroom except maybe for the urinals and not so flowerey smell. Sky is by the sinks washing his hands and he hasn't noticed me yet. I know he will freak when he does. I decide to tiptoe towards him in case someone else is in here. Without further warning I hug him from behind and he instantly jumbs. His reaction is better than I imagined and it makes me laugh,hard.

"What..." He's completely speechless and I don't blame him.

"You should see your face." I continue laughing.

Sky grunts before grabbing me and putting his hand over my so I can't laugh. "Why are you in here?" He asks.

I start to make inaudible sounds seeing as I can't talk with his hand over my mouth. Sky immediately catches on because he removes his hand on my mouth.

"I seriously hope you had washed those." I joke breathlessly.

Sky isn't amused. "What the hell are you doing in here? Have you lost your mind?"

"Well you were taking too long and I thought I would come get you." I say in an attempt to calm him.

"Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?"

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