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It's lunch break and I keep trying to get Sky's attention by occasionally eating his food. He slaps my hand each time but at least I have his attention and I'm almost certain he enjoys my playfulness.

"I can't believe you like Sky." Ella says.

I take a bite out of Sky's apple ,one I took right from his hands. "Why do you say that?"I ask and give the apple back to Sky and surprisingly he takes it and takes a bite as well which warms my heart.

"Hello he's Sky honestly I never thought anyone would like him ,no offense bro." Ella says but he ignores her.

"Well I'm not like everybody."

"That's an understatement."Sky muuters .

"And then that stunt you pulled in chem today." Kevin lauhgs out loud. "Wow Evie I didn't know you had it in you. You should come to the party tonight."

"What party?" I ask as this is news to me.

Ella looks at me and explains. "Just a small party at my house. Yeah you should come ,I was going to tell you about it but Kev beat me to it." She playfully shoves him and he pretends to be pain.

I look over at Sky. "Will you be there?" I ask.

"I live there,where else would I be?" He asks sardonically.

"Well then count me in." I say cheerfully. I'm a little excited because I have never been to a party before and I'm totally looking forward to this one.

Suddenly I can feel that we are being watched or rather I am being watched. And there there are , the Rosemont weirdos standing before us.They each have their trays and unlike Ella, Phoebe and I they aren't wearing boots but rather matching black red bottom heels. Everything about them is matching even the lengths of their skirts , the color of their stockings and even the lengths of their hair which was very long by the way. To some extent how much they are matching is creepy ,I mean only their hair color differentiate them but then they are sisters and sisters tend to match.

Amelia is the first to break the silence. "Do you mind if we sit with you?" They are all looking at me and I'm not sure if I want them at our table.

"Ummm....."I start to decline but Nikolina is already pulling a chair next to Phoebe so I'm not left with much of a choice.

Kevin doesn't seem to mind of course as he immediately pulls out a chair for Amelia. "Of course you guys can join us." He says directly at Amelia grinning from ear to ear. I immediately noticed Ella's face lose ,poor thing was watching Kevin drool over another girl and it didn't sit well with her.

"What were you guys talking about?" Amelia asks .

I decide to reply her. "The party at Ella's house."

"Oh we have never been to a party before." The dark haired one says, Cassandra is her name, her enthusiasm reminds me of Ronnie.

"Big surprise." Ella murmurs sardonically.

Kevin , obviously mesmerized by Amelia,does the unthinkable."Would you like to come?" He asks Amelia and of course the invite extends to her sisters.

We all look at him clearly shocked by his act and Ella looks furious.
"If there's no problem of course we'll come." Amelia said and Cassandra smiled clearly excited for the party. The blonde sister however was just quietly eating her food , completely indifferent to the whole conversation.

"Of course there's no problem!"Ella is almost shouting.

"Just what we needed." Sky says , addressing his sister's outburst.

"Yeah go ahead and invite them Kevin,it's clearly your party now!"she snaps begore rushing out of the cafeteria.

Sky attempts to go after his sister but I decide it's best that I go. The last thing she needs is her sacarstic brother right now and I also need an excuse to get away from those three. I don't know but I have a bad feeling about them.

Phoebe is pretty confident that Ella went to the balcony of the old biology lab so she tells me to look for her there. Fortunately Phoebe was right,I find Ella hanging by the balcony with a cigarette in her hand. I wonder if she comes here to smoke often because it doesn't look like her first time.
"Can you believe him?" She asks before taking another smoke. "He has the audacity to invite her knowing full well I have feelings for him!" She's on the verge of tears and I feel sorry for her.

"Hey it doesn't matter ,it's his loss anyway you way cooler than she will ever be." I try my best at comforting.

"You think so?" She sobs and I pull her into my arms.

"Yes of course Ella.You are great and if he doesn't see that then it's his loss."I begin rubbing her back so as to calm her a little.

"You are great too and thanks for following me up here. I would die if Sky saw me smoking." She giggles a little.

"I bet he would lecture you." I smile at the thought of Sky lecturing someone.

"He did once when I pretended to be drunk so I could seduce Kevin who was very drunk." And just like that we are talking about Kevin again. "It didn't work of course because drunk people don't remember much."

I let go of her seeing as she's nolonger crying. "Yeah that was pretty stupid of you." I laugh.

She shoves me. "Hey , don't laugh at me."

" You should try it with Sky. Pretend to be drunk tonight and seduce him."


"It will work because Sky isn't a heavy drinker so he will remember trust me." I can't believe she's giving me advice on how to seduce her brother so I just nod. "Do want to try?" Ella tries to hand me out her cigerrette but I decline. She tosses it on the ground and steps on it.
"Here,take it ." She hands me a box filled with cigarettes.

"I have never smoked."

She rolls her eyes. "Well if you are gonna date my brother you are gonna need to relax and this helps, besides you are such a good friend to me and you need a reward."

Against my better judgement I take the box and hide it in my blazer."Don't let my brother see them and if he does don't tell them you got them from me." She winks at me and grabs my head so we can get out of the prohibited area.

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