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I wake up on the floor with only my towel covering my nakedness. I don't even remember falling asleep. I don't even remember the last time I cried myself to sleep, but then again it's not everyday you hear about your impending death.

Well dwelling on it won't get me anyway. I better get ready for school, I don't want to be late especially since I skipped yesterday, well it wasn't my choice but I still was absent.

One of the upsides of being home alone is that I don't have to waste time on breakfast or waste time on morning pleasantries. So after quickly getting ready, I grab my stuff and drive Ronnie's car to school. It's such an unusual scene because I have only been in the driver's seat a few times in my life and that's counting the time I nearly ran over James in the parking lot. Well, in my defense he literally came out of nowhere.

For such a clumsy driver, I manage to get to school in one piece. I immediately spot Sky amongst the many students arriving but I don't see Ella anyway. It saddens me a little because I really miss my best friend.

"Hey." I say when I reach his side.

He instantly smiles. "Hi." He hooks his arm around my shoulders and I hook mine around his waist and together we walk to class. "I was worried about you."

"Pleased don't do that, worrying is my job not yours."

"Why can't we both worry?" He asks, frowning.

"Because you deserve your peace of mind. You are important to me Sky."

He suddenly halts, removing his arm around me so he can look at me. "Are you saying you are not important?" He asks irritatedly.

"I didn't say that....."

"Then what are you saying?" He interrupts me, "Because you are making it sound like I care less about you than you do about me!"

His tone startles me a little. Why is he shouting, are we fighting? Please no, I can't handle a fight right now. "When did this turn into an argument?" I ask him, conscious that we have attracted a small audience with our little lover's spat.

"I wasn't aware we were fighting, I thought we were communicating." He says but he's clearly upset.

"Well you clearly are mad at me."

"Then I guess we are arguing." He says before walking away from me, leaving me speechless and confused. What just happened?

I want to follow, to find out what's going on with him but as much as I hate to admit it he needs his space from me.

There were so many thoughts going on in his head for me to figure out exactly what's going on with him. But I could feel some of his, if not all of them. He's terrified and confused and it's mostly has to do with me.

As much as he would like to believe he's come to terms with the fact that I'm not entirely human, he's not really okay with it especially with how I'm constantly getting it into danger. He loves me and he's worried about losing me.

I want to convince him that he has no reason to worry, that everything is going to be alright but I can't do that because I'm also about the uncertainty of my future with him.

I'm about to go to class when something stops me. A voice in my head suddenly becomes the loudest, invading my thoughts and gaining my attention. Only nonhumans can do that and since I know three at this school, I'm pretty sure I can guess who's talking to me.

Heaven, we need to talk.

Surely enough all three sisters are behind me and walking towards me. I'm not entirely sure which one of them was just in my head and I don't really care, they want to talk and that's not really a good sign.

"What is it?" I ask them.

"Not now." Amelia says. "People are watching us."

I frown, since when do they care about what people think?

"We don't but we are trying to act as normal as possible in light of what's been happening." Cassandra explains and I nod even though I'm pretty sure they are doing a shitty job of acting normal.

"Okay then. We can talk freely after class." I tell them and start for my first class.

"Heaven." Nikolina's soft voice stops me. "Please try to keep her inside."

It takes me a second to realize that she's talking about Aurora. It's an odd request but Nikolina does say the oddest things from time to time so I guess for her this is quite normal.

I don't say anything, I just nod. Keeping Aurora in her cage was already on my to do list anyway. After what she revealed yesterday I want her as far as possible, well as far as she can be while she's still in my body.

Fortunately I make it to class before the teacher. It's World History, one of my least favorite classes but I do get to seat next to my boyfriend who's now my fiancee so it's not so bad. I'm just hoping he feels the same way. After our little argument this morning I'm not really sure about how he feels about everything, especially the getting married part.

"Are we still fighting?" I ask him as I sit next to him.

He looks at me and I'm pleasantly surprised to see him smiling at me. "No we are not." He places his hand on my own, linking our fingers together. "I'm sorry for how I treated you this morning. It wasn't fair." He has the softest voice when he's apologizing.

"I'm sorry too. I don't ever want you to think that I believe that you love me any less than I do."

"I know it's different for you." His voice turns into a whisper. "With you being an angel and all that. But don't ever think I don't worry about you, I spend most of my time thinking about you."

I squeeze his hand. "I love you so much, fiancee." It's my turn to murmur.

He grins at the mention of the word fiancee, showing off his adorable dimples. "I love you more fiancee." He says before softly kissing me on the mouth.

It's not really a big deal since we kiss all the time but this is the first time we have ever kissed in class, while the others watched. It feels natural and that's what makes it so beautiful.

And it gives me hope. Hope that maybe everything is going to be fine, maybe there's nothing to worry about and maybe, just maybe Aurora was wrong and I'm not going to die and leave Sky alone.

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