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Aurora? The endearment sounds oddly familiar but only my dad gives nicknames and I doubt he's ever called me Aurora.

" Aurora? Why did you call me that?" I ask.

Instead of replying me my mysterious rescuer simply helps me to my feet. The pain from my knees completely distracts me and I hold onto his arm.
"Can you walk?" He asks.

"It's a little difficult." I admit still holding onto him. To my complete astonishment he lifts me into his arms. "I will take you home." He announces as if our situation right now is the most natural thing.

"Umm okay." I say because there's nothing more to say. I still haven't seen his face but I now know for a fact that he's hair is quite long for a man. My hands felt it when I hooked my hands around his neck to hold on. It's soft and for some reason I can't stop playing with it. He doesn't notice or he does and just doesn't mind.

"Why are you helping me?" I ask because I'm really curious and I'm also trying to make conversation because between the awkward silence and the unusual darkness in the streets tonight,I'm very uncomfortable.

"It's not safe for you to be out here all by yourself." Is all he tells me. He sounds like a father scolding his daughter but I doubt his feelings towards me are paternal if there are any.

For the remainder of the walk to my place I keep quiet and even lean further into my rescuer. I feel safe with him even though I have no idea who he is. I don't know how to explain it but it's there, something which tells me I can trust this guy.

We are in the garage on our way to the elevator which lead to the apartment and I'm not surprised when the lights start going on and off. I swear I'm going to have the building manager change them. They were acting the same way the night of the party and it's completely irritating  my eyesight.

Again the silence continues even in the elevator. The only time I talk is when I tell him I have to input a code for the penthouse. But now I can see his face. I was right about his hair ,it's quite long , hanging above his shoulders. I'm not going to lie he is quite magnificent with his dark eyes and dark hair. His handsome face has me starring and a part of me wonders if he is as appealing as his demeanor presents him to be.

"Who are you?" I ask ,seriously this time.

"James." He replies looking straight into my eyes and I can't look away. His hold on me has tightened and he's leaning into me like he wants to kiss me. For a moment I'm completely stunned I can't stop him then I remember something, something very important. Sky!

"No." I say quickly and push at his chest. "Please put me down." For a second I think he won't do it but I'm wrong because this gentleman puts me down immediately.

I'm breathing hard now. What the hell just happened? Did I almost kiss another guy ,I mean did I almost kiss James?

I look at him and I see that he has his head in his hands, like he's ashamed or something. Well he should be ,how dare he try to kiss me! "What was that?" I ask ,still shocked.

James just shrugs in his defense. I'm about to ask again but the elevator stops and the doors open. Both Alice and Ronnie rush towards me. "Darling where were you?" Alice asks before pulling me into her arms.

"I'm here." I say to assure her because I can see she's frantic with worry.

"What happened to your leg?" Ronnie asks and I explain how I fell.

"We were so worried, I was about to call your father but thank God you are back."

"Thank you." I say sincerely, appreciating how she didn't rush to my father.

"I think I should go." I had almost forgotten about my rescuer. James is still around, watching as my mini family rejoice my return. He's avoiding my eyes well everyone's eyes , probably still
ashamed of what he almost did.

"Oh ok." I say to him because I really want him to go. Ronnie and Alice are looking at me, their eyes questioning who the hell James is. I will tell them later probably after he's gone.

After explaining once again why I was late I decide to go to my room but not after eating the dinner Alice made. I was not hungry but I didn't wanna offend Alice and I owe her for not telling my father that I was home late.

I'm not completely surprised when Ronnie offers to clean my wound. I'm still in a state of shock from earlier earlier events so I accept her generous offer.
I'm sitting on the edge of the bed whilst she's kneeling before me and cleaning my knee.

"Does it hurt?" She asks and I shake my head. " Good because it's only water I'm using. What were you running from?" She asks.

I'm alarmed by her question but I still answer. " I felt like someone was chasing and so I started to run." I give her a mild explanation.

She puts a small bandage on my knee and grins at me. "All better." She says sounding proud of her work.

"Thanks." I say.

"Anytime." She starts to leaves but then stops and looks at me. "Hey Evie,why did that man call you Aurora?" She asks .

"What?" I'm confused, I don't remember James calling me that in the presence of my family or did he?

"Um yeah he said something like 'bye Aurora' before he left. It was more like a whisper but I heard him. Is it a nickname or something?"

I'm completely astounded by the information given to me by Ronnie. " Um no I only just met him. He called me that earlier as well."

Ronnie giggles a bit. "Hmm so your rescuer decides to give you a little pet name,how cute." She giggles again and I smack her.

"Oh shut up."

"What? He is hot and God that accent." Ronnie gushes over him and I stay quiet because I don't feel comfortable talking about him.

"Enough I have a boyfriend so I don't...."

Before I know it Ronnie is screaming, what is wrong with this child? " You have a boyfriend?" She's completely stunned.

"Yes now get out of my room. Out! " She's still laughing when she leaves and I have to admit I enjoy our little talks.

Lilies are my favorite flowers. I just love them and how they smell but right now they are second best. I'm in a field full of them and I'm in Sky's arms. He smells amazing and I can't stop touching him. I bite his neck once or twice and he returns the favour and it feels magical. What have I been doing with my life? Why hadn't I looked for Sky earlier? The answer to those questions is I don't know but I know I'm never letting Sky go ,ever.
I push him onto the flowers so he's on his back and I place myself ontop of him."I love you." I say and kiss him on the mouth." I love you so much."I repeat hoping he'll say them back. He grins at me and he's about to say them but then his whole demeanor changes and he pushes me off him."What?"I ask breathlessly,very confused.
"Why do you have red hair?" He asks.
Red hair? "What?" I ask then examine my hair only to see that I do have red hair. "I don't know how..." I try to explain but Sky is nolonger before me , he's been replaced by non other than James! "I love you too Aurora." James says and kisses me on the mouth.

My eyes open immediately and my heart is beating furiously. It was all a dream, just a dream. But deep down I know it wasn't just a dream. What the hell is going on with me?

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