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The chemistry lab setting was quite interesting.Some people were busy while others took the time to mumble not so quietly about the new girl.If I had any doubt about Ella being my friend they were cleared when she basically told people to fuck off.Although I could easily defend myself,I really liked that someone stood up for me,in a way it saughta reminded me of my two older sisters.
Everyone seemed to back off after Ella told then off but three particular students were still looking at me.
As much as I tried to ignore their glares I couldn't,I could feel their gaze on me.I made eye contact with them and they were three of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen in my life.All three of them had bright brown eyes which resembled flames.
I couldn't fathom the emotion on their faces but it was clear they were taken aback by my presence.For the first time in my life I was intimidated.

"Those are the Rosemont weirdos."Ella's voice forced me to look away from the three girls.
"Those three chicks."she explained."They are the adopted Rosemont kids."
"Adopted?"I asked fearful of the fact that I might have something in common with those "weirdos" as Ella called them.
"Well yes,I don't know much about them because they keep to themselves but everyone knows they are adopted."
"Oh."was all I could say.
"The blonde is Nikolina ,I swear I have never heard her talk."I looked at the blonde who like the rest of her sisters was looking at me.I gulped as Ella continued."The one with dark hair is Cassandra, I think she's a retard but I can't say for sure and then there's Amelia the brunette,she says hi once in a while."
"They are very pretty."I didn't mean to say it out loud but I couldn't help it.
"Well yes."Ella agreed frowning a little."Enough about them the teacher is here and she hates me so let's be quiet."she says rolling her eyes a bit and I momentarily forget my discomfort and laugh.

The teacher asked me to introduce myself to everyone and I did then we were forced to pair up.Unfortunately Ella wanted Kevin as her partner and I was stuck with a guy who had barely acknowledged me.
"Do you talk?"I asked my partner who was doing his best to avoid looking at me.
But I got his attention and he looked at me.He was pretty handsome with Sandy hair and dark blue eyes much like Ella's.
"Yes I do."
"Great you can talk to me."
"I think I'm good but I will consider it."For a moment I thought he was joking but when I didn't see humour on his handsome features I got confused.
"Excuse me?You don't like people is that it?"
He merely shrugged."People,you it's all the same.I think my sister got all the liking people genes."
"Sister?"for a moment I was worried he was related to the Rosemont weirdos but I knew Ella would have mentioned a hot brother if there was one.
"The one who initiated you in the school."
He rolled his eyes."Yes, we are twins."
"She failed to mention you."which surprised me because I had a feeling Ella liked to talk.
"She will I promise."my partner said sardonically.
"Well lucky you don't have to wait, I'm Heaven."
"What kinda name is that?"he asked bluntly.
It was my turn to roll my eyes."Well it's mine.Whats yours?"
"Sky."he said and I burst out laughing which attracted a few people including the teacher.I gave her an apologetic smile and she let me off the hook maybe because I was new but I was grateful none the less.
"And you thought my name was funny,what kind of name is Sky?"
"Well it's mine."he said clearly mocking me which seriously annoyed me.

Chemistry was child's play to me so that was fortunate.I didn't wanna ask my new partner for help with the anything and I doubt he would actually help me because after our brief conversation he had completely ignored me.I found myself wondering how someone as carefree as Ella can be twins with someone like Sky.

At lunch break I was startled when the brunette Rosemont approached me.This was Amelia right?
To my amazement she was actually smiling at me.Now that she was right in front of me I could tell I had not been wrong in describing her.She was very pretty and her eyes were of such a bright color.

"Hello."she said softly

"Hi."I replied awkwardly.

"My name is Amelia Rosemont but I trust you already know that."

"Yes."I said though I didn't understand why she had said it like that.

She smiled."You are very beautiful."

What?"Umm thanks so are you."

"I want to hug you."And before I could protest Amelia pulled me into her arms."Oh and Heaven your eyes are brighter than mine."she released me and walked away leaving very confused.

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