Chapter 24

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Dipper clicked her tongue.

"Shit! Run!"

Dipper and Bill sped off, leaving the soldier who had begun to shout orders. The two weaved, well more like shoved, through the huge crowds of people towards the direction of the docks. There were grunts and swears as folks tripped over each other, and multiple knocked-over wares. All the while Bill was throwing his head back and cackling like a maniac.

"Now ain't this fun! I haven't had a chase from these bastards for so long I've forgotten how exciting this was!"

Dipper rolled her eyes in amusement.

"Well, I'm glad you're having fun with all of this." She said with a slight huff. "But right now they're catching up and we, as well as the crew, are gonna get caught if we go any slower!"

Bill got a mischievous look in his eye. Still laughing, he pulled out a gray sphere and twisted it in his palm. Dipper was slightly confused. The size and shape of it looked familiar to what her great uncle had back at home. Then he tossed it! It hit the ground with a thud, and then a large explosion followed by a cloud of smoke.

'A smoke bomb. Of course!'

Bill and Dipper charged ahead, leaving the soldiers coughing in the dark clouds. It held them back quite a bit, and she watched as they got farther and farther. But Dipper could tell that it wouldn't hold them for long.

Then there was a bang!

Dipper made a hissing sound as the sharp whistle of a bullet passed by her ear, nearly grazing it, which was quickly followed by another.

"Damn, they're really not holding back their punches. It's like they don't even care there are civilians around!"

Bill snorted.

"Forgetin that your' in cahoots with pirates? We're not sunshine an' rainbows either. Sacrifices are gonna be an afterthought."

Dipper couldn't retort back even if she wanted to. Of course, what he said was true, but mostly due to the fact she was trying not to get hit by a deadly bullet.

The two kept their quick pace managing to make all the sudden twists and turns of the stone roads. After what seemed like an hour, the smell of salt water grew more and more intense. Dipper let in and out a short breath of relief as the sails of ships peaked over the rooftops, and the horizon of the sea came into view.

But, they weren't in the clear yet as more gunshots echoed and danger came closer.

'Damn, I hoped I wouldn't have to do this. Bill is going to be pissed!'

In one swift pull, Dipper revealed the gun she swiped the captain's recent victim. Following that was a compact capsule that was small enough to fit inside a perfectly sized revolver cylinder. Just like hers.

"Here goes nothing."

{Flashback - 30 minutes ago}

"You want me to do WHAT!?"

There was no way. There was absolutely no way on earth she heard Dipper correctly. Honestly, she couldn't be serious about touching a captain's most prized possession. I mean how could she, what she was asking for was completely insane!

"I want you to steer the ship. Listen close. These are bullet flares. When shot, they'll create a tall cloud of red smoke. The exact minute you see it, and I mean the exact, I am going to need you to lift anchor and pull from the port."

A Runaway Princess at Sea (bill x fem.dipper)Where stories live. Discover now