Chapter 1

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Friday, August 17, 1667. 11:58 (this will help for later on in the story. It won't be like a journal or a diary entry. Only when there is a big time jump. Also I just made up the years, soooo, pay no attention to the time period.)

It was around midnight, and Bill was sitting in his cabin looking over the map he had stolen from a noble man a few weeks ago. His previous map was out dated, and new towns were being built faster than Bill can plunder. 

With his room lit under a few candles, Bill scanned over the map to see where the next furthest town was, since after his men had gathered enough supplies and money, they were leaving. He became so engrossed with his plans, that he was unaware of the figure walking up the wooden plank to his ship.

After about half an hour, Bill began feeling a bit drowsy. But his head quickly shot up as he heard something outside his room. Rushing to his window, Bill's eye scanned the deck. But upon seeing nothing, he shook his head passing it off as his imagination. 

If something had been out there, his men that were on patrol, incapable as they were, would have given off some kind of signal. As if that reassured him, Bill went back to his desk and continued slaving over the map until he decided to call it a night. Just as he was about to roll up the map, Bill was interrupted by a knock on his slightly sea rotted wooden door, which startled him slightly.

Bill's startled expression quickly turned into a frown. 'Who in the world would it be at this hour?' His thoughts were interrupted as another knock began. Figuring it was one of his crew, Bill ignored it and started walking towards his bed. But the knocking continued.

A tick mark appeared on his head. Annoyed, Bill walked up to his door, ready to tell them off, and threw the door open. Bill growled out, "What the hell do you.." but his words were cut off as it wasn't one of his crew members in front of him, but a dark hooded figure. 

A Runaway Princess at Sea (bill x fem.dipper)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu