Chapter 27

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CHAPTER 27 IS DONE AND READY! Hope I didn't make you wait for too long. This chapter had too much and I didn't know what to keep or get rid of. But in any case, sit back, relax, and enjoy the chaos.

-Dancerheart 41


"And that's pretty much what happened," Dipper finished. "And what should have happened before everything went off the rails."

She sighed. That took a lot more out of her than she thought. Now she just hoped that her explanation was enough to clear Bill's doubts. Noticing his gears were beginning to turn, Dipper took this chance to take a look around the ship. By this time, the crew finally realized that she wasn't going to die. They looked at her and the captain, theories going on and on about what was going on. She could see the distrust and judgment in their eyes, and it seemed like things were not going to be back to normal any time soon. The large group only broke up when Will came around and awkwardly ushered everyone back to their duties. Teeth sauntered off hands in a fist, and with a look in his eye that Dipper couldn't quite decipher.

Seeing that Bill hadn't said anything for a while meant that what she said must have actually stuck with him. Turning back to look at Bill, she watched as he stood there. He was cupping his chin with a hand, rubbing it as he pondered over what Dipper said. The idea there was very thoroughly done. Some things could have been done a little differently, but overall, it was a very well-made plan. He grinned.

"Well, not too shabby. Not in a million years would I think of something like that." He placed an approving hand on her shoulder. "I did want to say this earlier on the docks as mad as I was, but hearing about it in more detail, I can truly say I'm seriously impressed!"

Dipper bit her lip.

"So, you're not too mad at us anymore?" Dipper asked meekly, and a little hopeful.

Bill looked at her as if she grew two heads, his eye wide and brows raised up high. His mouth gave no smile this time.

"Mad? Oh no, I'm still absolutely furious! Not only did you both act orders on your own without my knowledge or approval, but you also touched my ship. That alone would'a signed your death."

Shamefully, she looked down. She felt so horrible when she saw how disappointed Bill was with her. She really didn't mean for any of that to happen, that was the truth. The plans went awry, but because of what was still unclear. But there was something that Bill said just then that caused Dipper to make a puzzled look. He said that it would have. Like in the past. She stayed quiet for a minute thinking about what she wanted to say and carefully spoke. Very carefully.

"But, why didn't you kill me?" Dipper asked.

She really was confused. At first, the question was just going to stay a thought in her head, and not wonder about it out loud in case Bill didn't want to give a reason. Dipper really did expect her body to be thrown overboard by now, and somehow being pardoned gave mixed signals. So imagine her surprise when he did answer, and with something Dipper didn't quite expect.

"Because I trust you, Pine Tree."

Dipper's eyes grew big and her heart gave a small ba-dump of happiness.

"You-you do?" She whispered, shocked and touched that he thought that way of her.

Bill nodded.

"Of course! Look kid, you think I haven't noticed all the things that you've managed to do in just a couple of months? Might not have been long, but it's been long enough for me to know that you would never do such a stupid stunt without some brain put behind the actions. Hell, you decided the best way to escape was to jump out a window the first we met." 

A Runaway Princess at Sea (bill x fem.dipper)Where stories live. Discover now