Chapter 10

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Dipper followed Bill up the wooden plank that she herself had walked up just two weeks ago. Two much had happened during that time. As soon as Bill disappeared from view, an immediate choir of cheers and yells resonated off the large vessel. "Welcome back captain!" "Good job!!" "That's the boss for ya'!"  Bill cleared his throat. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE SILENT!!" Immediately they all went quiet. Anyone could tell, without even looking, that everyone respected and feared him.

"We got a good haul this time. We going to have enough to last for months!" Everyone cheered. Dipper continued her walk, her heels clicking on the wood, and when she made it to the deck, eyes immediately drifted towards her. But she didn't let that bother her as she walked and stood right next to Bill. "My my my. Who is this piece of candy?" A older man with graying black hair spoke up and walked towards Dipper. When he got in front of her, Dipper looked up to stare at him in his green eyes. The man was a good 3 feet taller than Dipper. He wore torn brown pants, and an open white shirt with few visible stains. He had two piercings in his left ear and one in his right. When ever he would smile, a line of pearly white teeth would show. Leaning over, he smirked and used his pointer finger and thumb to lift Dipper's chin higher. 

"Is this also a prize? I wonder if she's as sweet as she looks." The man stated as he licked his lips, giving Dipper a dangerous look. Bill growled and shot the man a warning look. "Teeth..." "I would appreciate it if you removed your hand, unless you prefer to lose a digit." A twinkling sweet voice came from Dipper. Teeth scoffed in disbelief and opened his mouth, about to make a remark. In faster than a blink of an eye, the tip of a dagger was positioned under Teeth's Adams apple. 

"I asked politely. I don't tend to ask again." Now the voice was cold as she looked at Teeth with a darkened glare, the light of the dagger glinting in her brown narrowed eyes. His breathing hitched as he heavily gulped. The rest of the men watched intensely as the small girl pulled out a dagger from underneath her gown and up against their own crew member, faster than their eyes could follow. While Bill stood by impressed, like a proud father. At least 10 minutes went by before Teeth nervously chuckled as sweat beaded down his face. 

"Y-you think you can scare me? You can't do anything with a toy like that." This brought a grin to slowly form on Dipper's lips, it being anything but warm. "Do you want to test that theory?" Dipper taunted. A chuckle came from next her. "She'll do it. Trust me, you don't want to." At Bill's testimony, he growled and slowly removed his hand from her chin, putting his hands at the side of his head, showing that he was going to surrender. Dipper retracted the blade and placed it back into it's sheath hidden under all the fabrics, while Teeth slowly backed away. 

A girl, one less than half their size at that, brought their oldest and one of the strongest crew members to nothing but a trembling mess. When she looked back up the dark look was gone and was replaced with a softer smile. But even that sent chills down the men's spines. The tension was broken as Bill laughed, shocking everyone except Dipper. THE CAPTAIN WAS LAUGHING!!!! 

"Boy, that was hilarious!" The crew stared at their captain, who had begun to cry from the scene that just happened. "Boss, who even is this person?" Another man, who was shorter than Teeth, spoke up. He had short seaweed green hair and black eyes, with light brown skin. His right ear was torn at the lobe. He wore a baggy black long sleeved shirt, white pants and black boots, with a tattoo on his neck. Everyone nodded, agreeing that they were wondering the same thing. As soon as Bill was done with his laughing fit, he cleared his throat and straightened out his coat before going over to Dipper.

 "Of course, how forgetful of me." Bill wrapped an arm around Dipper's neck and rested it on her shoulder. "Gentlemen, meet our employer and new member, Miss Dipper Pines."




Thank you guys for being so patient. It makes me so happy to know that you are reading my fic. It's one of the many that I've started, but the very first one I've ever published. The next three chapters are coming along.

Once again thank you again! <3


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