Chapter 8

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Recap- "Well, who knew I would get such a large audience?"


'FROM ABOVE?!?' Gideon's head immediately shot up and began to scan the ceiling. His eyes widened when his sights landed on a blond and black haired man dressed from head to toe in black and gold standing on the support beams, with a "surprised" Dipper pressed right against his chest.    

(I couldn't find a picture that I was looking for, so I drew it instead

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(I couldn't find a picture that I was looking for, so I drew it instead. Sorry if it looks like Ariel's dress, I tried my best to make it similar to the dress image a couple chapters back. And if it's hard to tell, Bill has a ponytail.)

Another laugh rang out as everyone below began to whisper 'Oh no, that's Bill!' and stare in fear and confusion. Even Grunkle Stan looked confused. 'Guess he didn't know about this part of the plan, or thinks that it isn't.' Dipper thought, although it pleased her that she can out wit the greatest sneak. Gideon just glared at the two with intense hate. 'Dang it. Everything I worked towards is goin' to be ruined if that snake ain't gonna leave.'   

"Let. Go. of. me!" In order to keep up the act, Dipper began struggling against Bill's grip so to others it looked like she really wanted to be released. Bill, fully aware of what Dipper was doing, tightened his hold on the girls thin shoulders. "itai..." Dipper winced before she glared at Bill. 'That was too hard, Bill' She mentally complained. Bill grinned down at her. 'Got to make it authentic my dear.'  He replied, giving the girl a jesting wink, or blink, which made Dipper roll her eyes. 

"Oi!! Let go of her you big bully!" Both Dipper and Bill turned towards the voice. Dipper's eyes widened at the person making the racket. A brown haired girl in a pink dress, in a squatting position (Really Mabel? so ladylike) with a fighters look. Her light pink lips in a frown. 'Mabel..'  Everyone sweat dropped and gave a -_-' expression. "What are you doing?" Bill questioned out loud, relieving everyone who were wondering the exact same thing. "What's it look like? I'm bout to beat your butt!"

"Sorry, darling." Bill said, as he spun Dipper around so that her arms and body were pressed up against his body. The position they were in brought a small blush to Dippers cheeks which went unnoticed by everyone luckily. "But I'm gonna have to decline your challenge." He then leaned over slightly and whispered to Dipper. "Hold on tight." Knowing what he was about to do, Dipper wrapped her arms around Bill's neck, which confused everyone. Then to everyone's shock, he jumped!! Women screamed and men scrambled to try and catch the falling criminal. Reaching out, Bill grabbed a hanging fabric that was used for decoration for the wedding, and used it to swing back to the window that he had shattered previously.

"DIPPER!!" Turning, Dipper looked down to see her sister and her uncle looking up at her in pure sadness which made her heart clench. 'I'm sorry, Mabel.' Proceeding to pick her up bridal style, and getting an embarrassed reaction, Bill saluted everyone below and jumped, landing on the horse that Dipper put there ahead of time. With Dipper in the front, Bill snapped the reins and took off. Not before taking his revolver and shooting a couple rounds to startle the other horses. Sure enough, it didn't take long for all the guards split up to follow the runaway animals.       

"Looks like your plan went smoothly." Dipper laughed. "We're not out of the woods yet, Bill. Literally and figuratively. Wait until we get to the ship to celebrate." Bill nodded. "Got it." They rode in silence as the horse took them down the dirt path. From the back, Bill couldn't help but look at Dipper, who had her eyes closed listening to the birds, and chirping insects, her hair blowing in the wind.

"By the way, Pinetree." Dipper turned around and asked 'what'. "Who was that brown haired girl that knew your name? And that old man next to her?" Turning back around to look at the front. "That was Mabel. My twin sister that I told you about." Now that she had mentioned it, Bill thought they did look similar with a few slight differences. "The old man, that's my great uncle Stanley." Bill nearly stopped the horse at the shock of who that man was. "Wait...THE Stanley Pines?" This time it was Dipper's turn to be shocked. " know about him? I mean I knew that he's a famous pickpocket and scam artist, but I didn't know he was THAT famous." 

As Bill was about to answer, a gunshot rang out and a gust of air flew past them, scaring the horse. "WHOA WHOA WHOA!" The horse reared up, and Bill had to harshly pull at the reins to calm it down. "What in the world.." Dipper gave an irritated tch. "Dammit, they shouldn't have caught up so soon. Give me the reins!" "What? Wh-" "JUST GIVE THEM TO ME!" Not wanting to deal with a enraged woman, especially one that can make sure you'd never be found, Bill gave Dipper the reins.

Lifting the leather straps high, Dipper gave the reins hard snap. "HIYA!" Rearing up again, the horse took off, faster than how they started off. "Whoa!" The sudden jerk had Bill clinging on to Dipper so that he wouldn't fall off. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT LITTLE OLD ME!" Bill joked over the loud wind being whipped around. "DON'T WORRY! I WON'T!" Dipper replied with a laugh.  After about 10 minutes, gun fire had begun to start again, but this time much closer. This wasn't good. They were catching up too quickly and the horse was starting to get tired. The sun had begun to set, and they were running out of time. "WERE GOING TO HAVE TO GO FASTER! HOLD ON TIGHT!" Before Bill could get in a comment, the reins were snapped again, and the horse sped up. Soon they were able to out run the guards, and turned down a path that led to the cove.  

A Runaway Princess at Sea (bill x fem.dipper)Where stories live. Discover now