Chapter 4

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As Bill closed the door, Dipper made her way across the small room towards Bill's desk, pulling out a rolled up paper tucked into her satchel along the way. She pushed aside the items that Bill had begun to put away, and laid the map on top.

"Okay,"she began as she pointed at the map. "This is the chapel that the ceremony is going to be held in." Bill had watched as Dipper pulled out the map, pushed aside a pirates belongings, and began explaining in one quick motion.(A/N Sorry, I couldn't find a chapel that I liked, so use your imagination) "On the second floor, there is a glass window with a weak base right at the corners of the bottom frame. Since you are quicker and more agile than the rest of your crew, the sides of the steeple and the roof are stable enough to give you the force in order to shatter the window and to the first floor." Bill nodded.

"It's a good plan, but aren't you forgetting that I'll be seen?" "Don't worry, I already thought of that." Bill's eye went wide. "How so?"

"Climb up the side of the steeple with a ladder since there are no windows or guards there. After grabbing me, we'll jump from the window, landing on a horse that I'd have prepared in advanced, and after firing a gun, three other horses will take off in different directions causing the main guards to split up. While that is happening, your men make a move for the stock where the money is being kept. With all the guards at the wedding and chasing 'us', there will be little to none at the main house, allowing you to take the money in the safe and supplies left over in the pantry."

"How long did it take for you to figure all this out." Dipper smiled "oh...bout a week. Last week actually."

Bill was amazed, no...astonished. This 15 year old girl came up with a scheme that would've taken him almost a month to put together. Wanting to see if she planned ahead, Bill gave a question to try and confuse her.

"What about getting to the ship? We can't exactly escape to sea in broad daylight?" Dipper gave another smile. "I figured you would ask that." This took Bill aback. 'I didn't think she would have an answer so quickly! If she wasn't stuck on land, she would make a terrific pirate.' Pulling out another map, Bill discovered it was actually the layout of the land, the buildings, and the port. "The ceremony begins right before sunset, so around 7 pm. After we get on the horse, we'll run and rest for a couple miles before jumping off at the coast and send it off. There is a hollowed out cave right in the cliffs so we can hide in there. Since your ship is probably already hidden, as soon as the men get money and food, they'll get to the ship and wait until nightfall, then set sail to this location in which we get on and head straight for open waters."

Shocked, all Bill could do was look at Dipper with a wide eye, and an open mouth. 'This girl is a mastermind, a genius!! Her skill and talent is wasted on this small town.' Dipper began to pack the papers. "Well, since everything has been discussed, I believe I should get going." It was getting late. It had been almost over an hour since Dipper arrived. "Then all there is left to do is wait for the appointed time." Dipper gave Bill a quick smile before walking to the door. 

"See you next time, Pinetree~" Dipper paused, her hand on the door handle. She turned to look back at Bill a bit confused. "Pinetree?" He nodded. "Mm. Your nickname." Dipper gave a huff. "It's because of the bag isn't it?" Bill nodded again, a bit pleased with himself.  Dipper smiled again. "Till next time then." Lifting her hood back over her head, Dipper opened the door and stepped over the threshold.

"Oh! And one more thing!" Bill looked up to see Dipper giving him a smirk.

"You might want to train your watchman better next time." With that, she allowed the door to close shut, with a bewildered Bill gaping at her.


So what do you think of my first fic so far? :) If you couldn't tell in that last sentence, Dipper beat an adult pirate.

I'm still a beginner at this so tell me honestly. Please like, comment and follow if you want. Also tell me if I should fix anything or some tips for later on.

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