Chapter 13

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Recap:The woman now identified as Pyronica, looked down at Dipper who was very uncomfortable with the stare. Pyronica's eyes narrowed. "You..." 


Dipper gulped nervously. But then the pink woman suddenly enveloped Dipper in a crushing hug. "ARE SO CUTE!!!" She squealed. Dipper gasped at the tight contact. "" 'Wow she's just like Mabel.' When she finally released Dipper, letting her to get back the air she lost, she pulled her inside and walked to a trunk that was in there. "I think that I have somethings that are too small for me." Pyronica said as she opened the trunk and proceeded to search and pull some items out. 

She began piling the clothes in Dipper's arms, who almost stumbled as the pile grew. A couple shirts and blouses, pants, shorts, and a couple dresses, and nightgowns paired off with two pairs of slightly heeled boots. "I think this the best I can do for now until we get to land to buy you some that will suit you better." Dipper looked to the woman and gave her a heartwarming smile. "Thank you, but you don't have to. The thought of it is enough and you already gave me these."

 Pyronica teared up. "Aw~you are so sweet!" She exclaimed as she gave Dipper another hug, being careful of the clothes. She was suddenly pulled away. Pyronica frowned up at Bill. "You did your part. It's time to get moving." Bill began leading Dipper away but stopped when Pyronica called to him. "Oh by the way, Bill. I have that thing that you asked me to get." She held up a small wooden box with carving on it. "Do you still want it or-" Pyronica smirked when Bill plucked the box out of her hand and walked back to Dipper and continued down the hallway, while she went back into her room.

They soon reached a door on the left side of the hallway, five doors away from Pyronica's (her's is on the right). Taking a set of keys from his pocket, Bill searched through them before removing one and unlocking the door. "This is going to be your permanent room." Bill opened the door for Dipper, since her hands were occupied with other things, and she stepped in. It was small space with a single bed in one corner of the room.

 A wooden desk and chair was located of the opposite side. Between the two was a small circle window that looked out to the sea, and right underneath it was a wooden chest. Placing the clothes on her new bed, and her bag on the chair, Dipper turned around and gave Bill a hug, one which he was totally unprepared for. 

"This is perfect. Thank you, Bill." Uncomfortable with the sudden contact, the pirate cleared his throat. "Yes..well, you're welcome. But don't expect me to be all soft after this." Letting the man go, Dipper backed up and gave him a salute. "Yes, sir." Reaching back into his pocket, he pulled out the key he used before and gave it to Dipper. "Don't lose that key, you hear me? The men here aren't as...controllable." Dipper nodded. "Got it." Bill left the room and was about walk towards the steps before he remembered what was in his hands. 

"Hold up, Pinetree." Completely used to the nickname, Dipper paused closing the door and looked towards Bill. "Yes, captain?" He tossed the box to Dipper, who lifted her hands and let the item fall into them. She looked at it confused. 'What is it?' "Well, go ahead and open it." Still confused, she opened the small box and was surprised. 

Resting inside, was a necklace with a bright blue pine tree attached to the chain. "I assumed you would want something. It's nothing big and you don't have to accept it." Dipper shook her head as tears built up. "No. I'll keep it." She pulled the box closer to her chest, a grateful smile on her lips. "Thank you."

Bill tipped his hat, slightly hiding his small embarrassment. "Well, I won't keep you up all night. You've got a busy day tomorrow. Goodnight, and happy birthday, Pinetree." Bill said, saying that last part more quietly. "Goodnight, Bill." Dipper watched Bill leave before closing the door. Placing the box on the desk, Dipper moved and organized the clothes in the trunk before pulling out a cotton nightgown and slipping it on.

 Placing the box on the desk, Dipper moved and organized the clothes in the trunk before pulling out a cotton nightgown and slipping it on

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(It is so cute!!!!! I wanna wear it!)

Tying her hair into a braid, Dipper slipped under the covers and laid her head on the white pillow. "Happy Birthday, Mabel." She whispered before closing her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


If this chapter is shorter than the last two, sorry, I was kind of having a difficult time on what to write for this one. Thank you for reading this fic and wanting to read more. I love to read the excitement in your comments.

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