Chapter 2

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(A cloak like the image shown above, only it's black)

Bill stared at the short figure in front of him. This person barely reached his chin, and the black cloak obscured the figure so it was impossible to tell if they were a man or a woman, or if they were harboring any weapons. The hood covered the eyes, leaving only the nose, mouth and chin visible, and the hem of the cloak reached to their ankles, covering the body completely.

"Captain Bill Cipher, I presume?" 'The voice sounds feminine.' "What do you want?" Bill asked, wary of this stranger that had appeared out of the blue. "And how did you get aboard my ship?"

The stranger just lifted their head a little and gave a smile. "I have a task I would like you to complete." Bill growled. 'He just ignored my question! He's got a lot of guts doing that.'  Crossing his arms, Bill leaned against his door frame, his sheath clacking. "Even if I did accept, exactly what task do you want me to accomplish and how will this benefit me in any way?" 

"This, I believe, will benefit us both. I understand that you are having some money and resource issues." Bill's eye went slightly wide. 'How did he know about that!'

"This job will allow you to earn more than enough money to last you and your crew for a long time." the stranger continued, not giving attention towards Bill's surprised expression. Reaching behind his cloak, the stranger took out a medium sized coin bag and held it up. 'Looks kind of heavy.'

"This will be your first payment," Bill reached out, but the stranger pulled it back

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"This will be your first payment," Bill reached out, but the stranger pulled it back. "But only if you decide to take it." 'He's good at making bargains.' Bill thought as he smirked. 'Toss out the bait and hook 'em' "Alright. You got my attention. Now exactly what type of task do you want me to do? Killing? Stealing? Framing?" All of these things Bill was able to do, since he had made a living out of it as a pirate.

The stranger gave a smirk as well as he placed the heavy bag of gold in the older man's outstretched hand. But that smirk quickly went away and was replaced with seriousness.

"I want you to kidnap someone."

Bill paused a second as the request made it's way to his ears, a bit confused. What the person was asking wasn't impossible, and it wasn't like he hadn't done that kind of deed before. But normally it ended with that person's death. Bill was wondering, who in the world was he asking to possibly dispose. 

"So exactly who are we talking about."


Bill blinked rapidly (A/N or would it be winked? eye?) as he processed what the person in front of him said. "I'm sorry....who?" "Me." The stranger repeated. 'Who asks and pays for their own kidnapping?'

Figuring this person wasn't joking, Bill's eye narrowed at the cloaked figure in front of him.

"Who are you?"

The corners of the figure's mouth turned up with a smile.

"Oh, how rude of me," they said "I guess I should introduce myself." Stretching out a hand, the stranger slowly began lifting the hood, pulling it back, and revealing chocolate brown curls.

"My name is Madison "Dipper" Pines. And I want you to kidnap me."

A Runaway Princess at Sea (bill x fem.dipper)Where stories live. Discover now