Chapter 11

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Recap-"Of course, how forgetful of me." Bill wrapped an arm around Dipper's neck and rested it on her shoulder. "Gentlemen, meet our employer and new member, Miss Dipper Pines."




Everyone stared at Bill in shock. Including Dipper. She knew that she'd be traveling with them due to the...circumstances, but she didn't expect to become a pirate! "Oi-that wasn't the plan!" She harshly whispered to him. All Bill did was shrug his shoulders and smiled.

The man before shook his head. "W-wait just a second...SHE'S the one who told you about the low guards, and hired us?!" Bill smiled and nodded. "She's also the one who came up with the plan. So you men should be thanking her." It was strange. Although it was just like their captain to take money and do any job, but why did he agree to take along this girl? Most of the men didn't like the idea of a stranger suddenly becoming one of them. "But sir-" Bill shot them a look. "Any objections?" They quickly shook their heads, not wanting their captains wrath. They instead turned their look towards Dipper.

A loud clap brought everyone out of their upset daze, and all eyes turned towards their leader. "ALL RIGHT!!! That's enough dilly dallying. Grab the loot and put in in the hold. We're setting sail soon." "AYE AYE!!" Saluting, everyone ran off to do their task, while Bill stood on the deck watching them disappear. Dipper turned to look at the land she had grown up on as a child. It was her plan, but she knew she was going to miss it. Clenching her fists, she turned away and walked towards Bill. She tugged on his sleeve, which caught his attention, and he turned around to face her. "What's up, Pinetree?" He asked. She looked up. "I have a favor to ask of you."

~Back at Dipper's house in the village~

Mabel paced back and forth, muttering something that her grunkle couldn't understand. She hadn't moved from that spot since they had gotten back from the church. The scene that had happened right before her eyes kept replaying in her head. 'Why did this have to happen?' After the two had disappeared, Gideon vanished as well, the embarrassment of having both Dipper and his gold stolen being too much for him. Although they were now free from his awful rules, the town had no money, and barely enough food to get by the next two months. 

Mabel sighed. Her mind went back to when Dipper looked down at her from the shattered window, in the arms of a pirate. Her eyes held an apologetic look, for what reason, Mabel didn't know. But according to her thinking, Dipper didn't want to leave or get kidnapped, especially it was their birthday.

As she continued to ponder what the pirate was doing there in the first place, Stan watched from a distance. 'Was this all part of the plan? Is Dipper honestly going to leave with that man?' Stan shook his head. 'That has to be impossible. But if it is, I promised that I wouldn't tell Mabel anything.' Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and both tenants ran to answer it. But when they opened the door there wasn't anyone there. Mabel looked into the darkened town but saw nothing but night and heard the chirp of crickets. 

They were about to close the door until Mabel looked down. Right on the door step was four large brown bags. Stan opened the first one. Inside was large pile of gold enough for half the town, the same in the second bag. Mabel grabbed hold of the other two. Inside them was food, enough to feed everyone for months! They were surprised, no, to be more accurate, shocked. "Wh-how in the....Where did this come from?" No one was there, and they hadn't heard anything that would've sent off any warnings. Looking around on the ground (hey that rhymed!...sorry) Mabel spotted something white right next to Stan's foot. Bending down, she reached down and picked it up. It was a note! "Grunkle Stan look!"

The old man stood behind Mabel as she read out what was written on the card. "Dear Mr and Ms. Pines, accept these in order to help rebuild the village (not rebuild as in fix demolished buildings). There is enough food and gold to give to everyone for them to bring back the business that had been lost. This is a way to bring everything back to normal. Signed, PT. 'PT? Who is that?' Stan thought. Mabel's eyes blurred. Someone, someone was looking out for them. Letting a small smile form on her lips, she closed her eyes and held the small letter close. "Thank you." Mabel whispered, unaware that someone was listening from afar. 'I'll find you, Dipper.'

~Back on the ship~ 

Dipper leaned on the ships rail as she watched the island grow smaller as it faded from view. "After all I did, I would appreciate some gratitude." A voice spoke up from behind her. "Of course, Bill." She replied, not removing her gaze from the water. He could tell that she needed air, so they stood in silence and just listened as the waves hit the sides of the ship, and the moonlight illuminated the deck. "You do understand that this is a one time thing. It's a good thing the men are bad at taking innovatory." This made Dipper laugh, knowing the men that she had just witnessed, it could be true.

Bill patted her hair and walked back towards the center of the deck as the some of the men left below came above. "SET A COURSE FOR OUR NEXT DESTINATION!!" Bill shouted to the man at the wheel that was on the upper deck. The man saluted and turned the wheel in a hard right. Dipper watched as the crew did their jobs and worked hard at them too. She narrowed her eyes in determination. She didn't want be just a empty burden. 

Wiping the tears at the corners of her eyes, Dipper walked to Bill. When her heels stopped clicking, Bill turned around and grinned when he saw the look that he had seen before. "Bill, make me a member of your crew." Bill stared hard. 

"Are you sure? I won't be giving you any special treatment. You'll be just as the rest." Dipper's eyes narrowed more, this time in irritation. "If there's anything that I hate more, it's pity and special treatment." Sticking out his hand, Bill grinned. "Welcome aboard, Pinetree." Dipper looked at the hand for a second before grinning back at Bill and took hold of his hand.

"Thank you, Captain."   

A Runaway Princess at Sea (bill x fem.dipper)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat