I've Turned into A Duck?! (Infinite)

Start from the beginning

"Hey now, we don't want you to get hurt."

He turned his billed head to the (a/t), and she could sense the glare in his eyes. She gave him a light chuckle, before wrapping her hands over both his wings and holding him up to her face,

"At least you make a cute duck." She teased, "And I can hold you like a... A birber. Get it? Because you feel like a big burger?"

Infinite let out a huff, before pecking at her hands. She yelped and let him go, shaking her hand with a frown. The duck flapped his wings, landing on the tiled floor before turning and waddling away from her.

"Infinite!" (Y/N) yelled and took chase, "Come back! I need to keep an eye on you!"

By the time she got to the next hallway, the former jackal was nowhere to be seen. The (a/t) cursed, looking around as she walked down the hall. Not even five minutes and she'd already lost him. Fantastic. Considering Infinite had never been a duck before, the chances of him getting hurt were high, and ducks aren't exactly strong.

So, she searched around, doing her best to try and find her duck-turned friend. He wasn't in the kitchen, and he wasn't hiding in the bathroom. The (a/t) checked their rooms as well, but she couldn't see him anywhere. (Y/N) didn't bother with any closed doors either, since there was no way a duck would be able to open such heavy things.

Though she started to wonder if maybe he got stuck in a room, because Infinite was nowhere to be seen. This search was failing, which meant the (a/t) was going to have to try and hunt him down. So, she stopped moving, and instead closed her eyes to listen for any signs of an angry duck.

And then she heard it. Her ears twitched to the sound of hectic quacking. It was coming from the supply closet. The (a/t) opened her eyes, taking off towards the small closet and opening the door. Infinite waddled out instantly and bumped into her leg, lifting his head to look up at her. (Y/N) smiled and knelt down to him,

"Finally, are you going to stop running off now?" She asked.

Infinite huffed and turned his head away but gave a slight nod.

"Good, now let's go get you something to eat. You must be hungry after that transformation." She booped his beak, before picking him up, this time a lot gentler. He didn't fight back, instead he seemed to be visibly pouting, his head lowered and small grumbles coming from his beak.

"Oh lighten up. Being a duck has to be way better than being a bug. Imagine if you turned into a fly." (Y/N) giggled, before cooing in thought, "Though I guess you'd only have a day to live, at most."

Infinite rolled his eyes, before puffing up his feathers and tucking his head under his wing. (Y/N) glanced down at him and smiled, making her way into the kitchen and setting him on the bench. Next, she looked through the pantry and fridge, trying to figure out what exactly it is ducks can eat.

After doing a little searching, she settled on the seedless grapes that were hiding at the back of the fridge. Pulling them out, she grabbed a knife and started chopping them in half, to make it easier for the former jackal to eat.

"Here, try this." She said, holding one out to Infinite.

The black duck tilted his head, before gently leaning forward and plucking it from her fingers. After swallowing half the grape whole, he shook his body, his feathers puffing up again.

"Like that?" She asked, and he gave a quack in response.

The (a/t) smiled, before feeding him another piece, and another. The two sat in the kitchen, munching on grapes as the time passed. Eventually Infinite perched on (Y/N)'s lap, where he curled up and started to doze off. (Y/N) smiled at this and started to rub his feathered back softly.

"Just sleep for now okay? I'm sure the doctor will fix this problem soon enough."

He gave a sleepy nod, before his eyes finally closed and he drifted off in a light slumber. The (a/t) let out a sigh, glad to have finally gotten him to calm down, and she leant her head back. Hopefully she was right, hopefully Eggman would fix this problem soon. They couldn't exactly fight in a war with a duck as a weapon. Though it would be sure to confuse the other side.

She chuckled to herself, imagining Infinite trying to fight Sonic as a duck. He'd lose drastically, but boy would it be a sight to behold. Sonic fighting an enraged duck.

(Y/N) turned her gaze back down to her friend, still patting him gently down his wing. He seemed to peaceful now that he was asleep, you wouldn't even be able to guess that this was some evil jackal hellbent on destroying the world. He just looked like an average duck, aside from the red gem that sat in his breast.

Static filled the room and Eggman's voice came over the loudspeakers, causing the (a/t) and duck to both startle,

"(Y/N), bring Infinite back to my office, I think I've found a solution." Eggman said.

(Y/N) looked up around the room, then back to Infinite, "Alright, ready to be turned back to normal?"

The duck gave a quack and she smiled, getting to her feet. Infinite jumped down from her lap, glancing up at her as she held her hands out for him, a platform for him to stand on. He quacked again and jumped onto her hands.

Once steady, the (a/t) took off towards the laboratory. Eggman was standing by the table and waiting for them, impatiently tapping his foot.

"About time." He grumbled, "The sooner we change him back, the sooner we can finish his enhancements."

"Yes sir." (Y/N) placed Infinite on the table, "But might I add, the stealth that would come from being a duck, Infinite could spy on the good guys, we could learn a lot of info."

Infinite sent a glare towards the (a/t), making her chuckle lightly. She knew how much he hated being a duck, the humiliation he must feel from being such a weak creature. Of course, she was just teasing, but Eggman seemed almost convinced.

"I suppose that could work..." The doctor said, which caused Infinite to snap his head to him.

A quack and bite later, Eggman was rubbing his arm and grumbling as he stuck the duck with the needle. A few minutes later, Infinite was back to his normal self, panting and gritting his teeth as the pain subsided.

Eggman huffed and went back to work, still rubbing his arm. (Y/N) smiled at Infinite and leant on the table,

"So, what was it like being a duck?" She asked.

"Terrible." Infinite stated, a snarl on his muzzle, "But... Thank you."

"No problem." The (a/t) giggled, her tail wagging, "You were easy to look after once I found you, plus you were a cute duck."

Infinite's muzzle turned a light pink, and he rubbed his head, "I never want to do that again."

"Oh no I fully agree. You were a pain in the ass before you calmed down." (Y/N) said, kicking her feet behind her as she leant on the bench, "It wasn't until you needed help that you stopped being an ass."

The jackal couldn't help but chuckle at that, "I was a duck, not a donkey."

"Har har." She rolled her eyes, "But honestly, I guess I understand your embarrassment. Considering you're usually super powerful and stuff, to be turned into a weak duck... Well you're not a duck now."


"But now I know what to do to you if you're ever an asshole to me." She teased, elbowing his leg.

Infinite chuckled again, shaking his head, "I hope I'm never an asshole to you then."

"Yeah." She smiled.

It was silent for a moment, before the two broke out into laughter. Eggman finally got annoyed at them and sent the two out of the laboratory so he could work. What a day for them both.

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