Popular!Jock!Sonic X Popular!Demon!Reader - @OmgItzJane

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Hey guys! So, you're a demon in this request! You'll still be your chosen animal, however you'll have horns and wings (if you're a bird or sheep/ram, this is probably already the case) you'll also have a long demon-like tail, not a wolf or hedgehog tail, just to add to the demon theme :) that's all! Enjoy...

It was your first day at your new school; the sky was full of clouds, giving the empty threat of rain, while the wind moved through the classrooms and hallways, sending chills up your spine. It was your first day, and you were excited. Why wouldn't you be? You got to meet new people, make new friends, learn new things.

It was going to be epic, and if it was anything like your last school, you were going to rule it.

There was only one concern. You had done your research on this place, and so far you were the only demon student to ever attend. Considering the stereotype around demons, you were a little worried as to how accepting people will be. Surely your kind and outgoing nature will prove those stereotypes to be false, right?

Well, you were about to find out. Here you stood, out the front of the high school. The building was tall, casting a shadow over you, but you took a deep breath in, closing your eyes. Here we go. Make a grand entrance, people love that shit.

Walking up to the front doors, you rolled your shoulders, stretching your wings behind you. And with an easy shove, the doors swung open. A gust of wind happened to blow behind you in that same moment, and some papers went flying from students' hands. Fucking perfect.

Every single person stopped what they were doing, whether it was talking, running, anything and everything froze as you stepped into the lengthy hallway. Everyone stared at you, and you flashed a toothy grin, your tail swishing behind you. Well, you seemed to have everyone's attention, that was for sure. Make sure to carry yourself, be confident, act cool, you'll be cool.

Slowly, you started to make your way through the corridor, glancing at everyone that watched you, taking every little detail in. Just like every high school, you were able to point out the nerds, the pretty girls, the freaks, goths, and the jocks. As you assumed, the jocks would also be the cool guys, and you couldn't help but stare at the blue hedgehog that was currently ignoring you, laughing with one of his friends.

It wasn't often you'd go under someone's radar, and you came to the conclusion that he either wasn't very bright, or just didn't care. His other friends were all watching you, and the red echidna next to him bumped him in the side. The hedgehog stopped, before turning. His emerald eyes landed on you and he practically turned to stone.

You chuckled, placing a hand on your hip and looking around at the boys. The red echidna, a black and red hedgehog, a silver hedgehog and a yellow fox. These guys were definitely on top of the food chain. Flashing another smile, you held your hand out,

"(Y/N) the (a/t); I'm the transfer. Anyone mind showing me around?" You asked, flicking your tail. The silver hedgehog looked over you, catching onto your wings. His eyes widened slightly and he turned his head. The red echidna chuckled, shaking his head and glancing at the red and black hedgehog,

"She seems like your type." He chuckled, and the dark hedgehog growled at him.

"I'm not doing it." He stated, crossing his arms.

"Pussy." The blue hedgehog chuckled, before stepping forward, "I can show you around. You need the main office?"

You smirked, giving your wings a quick flap, "You know where that is? You won't lead me to the gym on accident, will you?"

"Hey now, I'm not the dumb one." The hedgehog chuckled, thrusting his thumb at the echidna.

"Oi!" The echidna shouted, hitting a fist to his hand.

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