Chapter XVIII: Crossfire

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Without thinking, I swung my hand back to push her away from me. My mind was not my own. Jessie was struck back as I grew worse. This toxicity in my mind was getting worse and worse! There was nothing I could do!

My vision was clouded by my own thoughts as I grabbed the candle stick off of the side table. I wasn't in control of my own actions. The candle came crashing down on her head, knocking her unconscious.


The same image of Sophia came into my mind. Her scared face taunted me as I stared at Jessie's blank face.

If I hadn't been the one to knock her out, I would have thought she was sleeping. She looked peaceful and calm. I wished only to feel that. The same feeling of peaceful contentment that I had with Sophia. I moved closer to Jessie's limp body.

How hard had I hit her?

The candlestick had broken in half from the force used to hit her. Her wine glass splintered into numerous glass shards. While the wine splattered everywhere having a blood like appearance. That's when I noticed the real blood. A decent sized gash was on Jessie's forehead. Most head injuries bleed a lot and so was this one.

I jumped back from what I had done. But she was still breathing. I couldn't kill someone with a candlestick right? She was bleeding so much something had to be wrong. Fuck. . . .

It soon felt as if my throat was closing up. I couldn't breathe. I found myself even crying. This great amount of anger turned to sadness. All of it weighed heavily on my body and mind. It was so immediate and uncontrollable?

I had to get out of here.

Without thinking, my legs carried me out of the house, out of the neighborhood, and back to a homeless shelter. The same building where I thought I saw Sophia.

Why was the past trying to haunt me?

My memories were are leading back to Sophia. The places I had been with her and the moments we had together. Why? I came to find her, just don't know. I'm at war with myself, and I fear Sophia will be brought into the crossfire.

All the shining streets lights soon became blurry and faint. I didn't know where I was going, but I need to escape myself some how. . . . The night was still cold and dry. I could make out certain shapes in the background. All the sounds of cars and wind tormented me even more. It was all so loud I couldn't even hear myself think.

With much anger I screamed, "STOP!"

My anger turned to sadness once again as more tears fell down my face. I didn't know what to do with myself. I had given up.

Soon I sat down on a nearby bench. The cold metal reminded me of the nights I spent alone. The awful feeling that would envelope, that I thought I had rid myself of, was returning. I felt so cold, I just wanted to lay down and die.

Not a moment later I feel someone's hand in mine. I slowly opened my eyes as I saw Sophia. Her beautiful brown hair was a mess, her eyes were red from crying, and her face was marred with scars and scratches.

Damien- Sophia? Why are you here?

Sophia- Damien, you know how much I cared for you. No Matter what, never forget I love you despite my decision to leave you.

Damien- So what is this, are you leaving me again?

Sophia- No I'm giving you advice. Don't hurt me or yourself. Keep me out of the crossfire.

After she said that, I felt her warm touch fade away. Her hand was no longer in mine and that cold feeling returned to me. I never saw Sophia leave. She was gone without a trace, much like she had done before.

I found myself walking down the street. I didn't want to face the memories my house held, but I would have to someday. I just didn't want to be alone out in the world. Abandoned.

~Perspective Ends~

I didn't know where I was going, but I wasn't staying here. My breath was visible in the cold night air as I was running through the empty streets.

The horrid dream replayed in my mind. The scene felt so vivid and so real. It- it was just a dream. I wanted it to be a dream. I can't be real!

All of my surroundings blurred together as I ran through the night. The streets were mostly empty and It was already pretty late. Where would I go? I had nowhere to go.

Well. . . . I had a place to go. Anthony offered me his home. He was willing to let me stay there. He showed such kindness to me when I was nothing but kind to him. A stranger he met a day ago.

The picture of his lifeless body burned in my mind. I deserved the torment and regret

I felt. I did a truly awful thing to a kind, good man. I didn't deserve to live while Anthony had died, but I did want to make myself pay for my actions.

My face was already red from crying, but I really could stop. The tears felt never ending as my pain felt never ending. It made it even harder to see in front of me.

The whole night seemed like a fever dream I would never wake up from. Honestly, if it was I dream I didn't want to wake up. The last thing I remember was sitting down on a bench. My feet were and so was I. I couldn't walk another step.

The cold night air didn't really affect me as I was overcome with this warm feeling. That I wasn't alone in this world. I opened my tear stained eyes to see Damien. I recoiled back in shock. No no no no no! He can't be here!

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