Chapter XIIII: An Ill-Starred Girl

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My legs soon gave out as a shrunk into the ground. "STOP!" I screamed with tears.

Present and past were blurred together. I could not tell real from fake, not to mention the tears fogging my vision.

My head was spinning from this experience, but I could make something out within it all. Anthony, he begged as my world faded away, "Sophia watch out!"


I felt my body being caught by something. The whole world seemed to spin out of control.

Then it all went black.

~Anthony's Perspective~

A girl of small stature had entered the gas station. She looked barely past twenty -not even that much- and quite worn down. I wanted to approach the girl, but I was scared of intimidating her. All my friends say I'm too tall, too noisy, and too brooding. Assuming they're right, I couldn't risk the chance.

I did keep an eye on her. But that sounds extremely creepy; although, I intended no harm. She paced around the store nervously. Hiding something.

I had looked away for a second when she disappeared only to reappear in a squabble with the cashier. The unruly woman had grabbed her by the arm, refusing to let go. I pained me to see her hurting ht egirl i was so intrigued by.

"Hey lets be a bit more civil," I said while separating their hands, "just let her go. She can walk out of the store by herself without force."

Cashier- whatever I don't get paid enough.

The woman walked back to the counter, but I stayed. Looking down at the girl, I saw her eyes studying by features. I wondered why she was staring at me so intently.

After a few moments of silence I said, "Uh we'll I'm Anthony. Sorry for that lady back there."

"My name is Sophia and don't apologize. It wasn't your fault," she said, keeping her voice quiet and soft.

She left the store but I knew what she came for. Food. The poor girl was probably cast out, a runaway, or something worse. I wasn't going to let this girl go hungry.

So reasonably, I bought a lot of food and followed her out.

A lot happened as I was being a foolish idiot. The girl thought I was stalking her, then I offered to take her home in the creepiest manner, and finally she was in this pitiful state.

I waved my hands around with aberration. Sophia had fallen because I couldn't catch her in time. I don't even know what caused the slip of her foot! It was driving me mad just to see her unconscious! The voice inside my head was screaming at me for all the horrid mistakes I had made.

I checked on her every so often to see if she was still breathing. Her rich brown hair fell like waterfalls at her side. Her soft, pale skin was marred with dirt. What had happened to this poor girl?

~Perspective Ends~

I don't know how much time had gone by, but the sun's pale light could be seen through the window. My sight was a bit fuzzy, only allowing me to see blurry shapes. But there slept Anthony, in a small fold out chair.

My movements were soft and slowly, as I tried to sneak out of the room I was placed in. I could barely remember what had happened last night. Or I didn't want to remember.

Besides that, Anthony stirred when I reached for the door handle. When he woke up the fear in his voice when he screamed my name, confused me. Anthony sprang up to find me at the door.

He proceeded to shake me uncontrollably by the shoulders. Then bring me in for a hug. I pushed away his effort, still a little shocked at his expression.

Anthony- Sophia! I'm so glad you're ok! How do you feel?

I stared at him blankly before saying, "Uh thanks for making sure I didn't hurt myself. And I. . . I feel fine I guess."

His little puppy face lit up with joy and he bounced up and down like a little puppy.

He motioned for me to sit back down and so I did. He took his seat back and began talking. "So last night you fainted. I didn't know what was wrong with you so I just kinda brought you in. You seemed to be breathing fine, but you would respond to anything. I-I didn't know if you got a concussion." He took a few deep breaths as if he was on the verge of tears. "I fixed some dinner in case you woke up and sat beside you. I made sure you were comfortable and breathing well. So is there anywhere I can take you to?"

I really didn't enjoy the mention of last night. I just wanted to forget. Some memories are worth forgetting if they're too painful. Unluckily for me, I still had flashbacks of Damien. I don't regret my decision to leave him; although, I feel that it might come back to haunt me.

The thought of suicide popped up into my mind. The feeling of freedom from emotions and life's struggles. There was nothing tethering me to the world. Maybe one, but I tried not to dwell on it. Even so, I pushed the thought into the back of my mind. It was just a silly thought of mine.

"You can just take me to a homeless shelter. I have nowhere else to go," I said with realization. I really had no one to look out for me. I was all alone in the world.

Again his face turned sad with pity. I didn't want to be pitied. Anything that has happened to me, is my own doing, but yet people still felt that way about me.

"Look Sophia, how about you just-" I stopped him. I didn't want to hear the rest. "I don't need your pity, your sympathy, or anything from you. You're not responsible for my problems, so don't try to fix them."

I felt my face turn hot and red. I didn't want to feel this way, but I just couldn't help it. Anthony moved towards me as I moved back.

Finally I stopped retreating from Anthony and stood there not moving an inch. I felt his hand slip into mine and envelop me into a hug. His body was so warm, and I felt fine again.

Through all my shit called life, I finally felt ok. Not worthless, not stupid, not helpless.

Just ok.

And maybe, just maybe I could live with that.

{ Hey guys I'm back! Thank you for your patience, and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Things are progressing more, and in turn we are learning many things about Sophia. If you have any comments like grammar mistakes, inaccurate portrayals, and etc. please comment to let me know. And finally. Thank you all! }

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