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I slipped into a weird state of mind. I could see or move, but I could hear. I felt peaceful and quiet. Yet, I could sense danger somewhere. My heart was slowing down as I heard a great sound. A great BANG shook the house and the people within. The sound echoed in the small house. A ringing was left in my ear for a moment then silence. I didn't hear the other person anymore. All was quiet.


The bullet fired that day in Damien Green's house didn't miss its target. Two bodies lay in that house yet one of them was not dead. The girl had lived. Barely, but she was still alive and breathing.

Unfortunately, Damien lay dead on the bathroom floor, gun in hand. If only they had known the situation of the other, Damien wouldn't have killed himself, or Sophia would have saved him. This, of course, was not the events that followed.

Immediately following the gun shot, neighbors called the police to check out the commotion. A gunshot in the middle of the day in a peaceful neighborhood was not a common occurrence. The sirens of police cars came into earshot. Sophia's limb body stirred slightly. She was holding on by thread. The only questions is would they get there in time. Every second they spent driving here, Sophia's life dwindled with each breath. Which would come first, death or salvation?

A great force knocked down the door and two police men entered.

Officier #1- Be on watch, the neighbor heard a gunshot.

Officier #2- Yes. . . . sir? Uh sir, you might want to come check this out.

The young man had stumbled upon Damien's body. Blood had drenched the bathroom floor causing the tiles to turn colors. They then saw the gun in Damien's right hand and a bullet through his brain.

Officier #1- Hm. . a suicide. We'll check the rest of the house in case there's someone else. The neighbors also mentioned some loud noises earlier. And the first door they opened was to Sophia.

She was laid neatly on the bed and hair swept out of her face. Her skin had gone cold and pale with no life, but her eyes remained closed.

The older man ran over to the girl. He checked for a pulse and found nothing. He checked again and felt a faint, thump thump thump. His eyes opened wider, and he started barking orders at the younger. "Call an ambulance now! Thais girl is still alive!"

The other jumped into action and carried out the other officers instructions. But would it be enough to save her?

Sophia barely moved since they found her, and her breaths were shallow. "Damien," she whispered. 'What did you say ma'am? Don't worry we're getting help. You're going to be ok."

She moved her head in a way to signal no. She knew her fate. She only whispered, Damien, again.

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