Chapter IIII: Cat to a Mouse

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~Damien's Perspective~

I slammed the door of the small bedroom and headed to the front door. I was expecting a business partner to arrive with payment. I had been assigned to capture his cheating girlfriend and test her loyalty; She failed, escaped, and was killed by James.

The knocking on the door became louder and harsher. I opened the door, and James, a tall blond man, was impatiently standing there.

Damien- What's with the face James?

James didn't reply, but rolled his eyes and proceeded into the house. He was always a dick to me. I just wanted the money then he be on his way.

I got out some coffee to give to him as he sat down at the kitchen table. It was still mid-day, early enough for some good caffeine.

James- Here. Thanks for the help bud. He pulled out a wad of cash and set it on the table. I picked it up, making sure it was the amount we agreed on. Then I pocketed the money.

Damien- No problem.

James- So I heard you've acquired another woman?

Damien- Where did you hear that? I said while taking a sip of coffee.

James- I have my sources, but may borrow her for a night? I'll double the payment.

I snickered at his offer. "You're really betting that much money on a woman you've never met? Such idiocy."

James- Why, Damien Green would never settle for second best. I know you too well, my friend.

I hated when he called me that. We are just associates, and I would like it to remain that way. This man gave me enough trouble already.

Damien- Sorry but she's not up for sale.

My blood pressure was rising quickly. This prick new how to push my buttons. I wasn't in the mood for him right now. How could he suggest that?

James- hmm let's test that. Where is she? She's got to be in this house somewhere.

He got up and walked towards Sophia's room to search for her. I jumped up and blocked his path. He would not search my house or take Sophia. I would not allow it. James stopped walking and scoffered at my action. Blatantly, I grabbed the collar of his shirt. My had were shaking from clenching my fists. I wanted to kill him right here and now.

Damien- I would suggest you stop now.

~Perspective Ends~

I could hear the two people talking down the hall. Their words weren't audible, but then I heard glass smash.

To my surprise, I wasn't that scared. What if guest could save me from this. Take me away. But in the back of my mind I knew they could also be 10 times worse than Damien. And I would be in an even worse situation.

I clung to the bedpost, although; I really didn't have a choice. My heart raced a little faster. Both from hope and fear.

A tall man burst into the room. It wasn't Damien.

James- So you're the one they were all talking about. He sauntered towards the bed with a slight limp.

I covered the rest of my body with blankets as he approached. I was still wearing Damien's shirt.

"W-Who are you?" I stuttered. The man laughed and sat at the end of the bed. I don't want to show my worry, but my face was full of it.

James- What is so special about you that Damien wouldn't let me borrow you? He climbed on top of me, inspecting my face.

I tried to push him off, but he pinned down my free hand. "Maybe it's these lips?" He asked. His fingers traced my lips over and over again, stopping at my Cupid's bow.

James- Lets find out.

Sophia- Wait! I barely got the word out when he forced his lips on mine. His grip was strong and I couldn't pull away. Two men. Two men! Had forcefully kissed me! And there was nothing I could do!

~Present Day~

Chrys- You may take a break if you would like. I know it's a difficult experience to talk about.

Sophia- Oh sorry. I didn't realize I was shaking so much while talking about this.

Even though these sessions were supposed to help, I just wanted to leave. I looked over at the small clock on the wall. It was only 10:30 am. My appointment started at 9:30 am, yet it had only been an hour. This seemed to take forever, but I remained in my seat, waiting anxiously for this to end.


I had my eyes opened wide. Where was Damien?! Right as I thought that, Damien ran into the room.

He shoved the other man off of me, and to my horror shot him straight through the head. I was so shocked, I tried to scream, but nothing came out. I looked over to him, and he was full of rage.

Damien shot the man 10 more times for satisfaction or maybe out of anger. Whatever the reason was, it startled me.

He looked a bit dazed when I saw blood coming from his head. He was injured. I almost felt sympathy for him, but maybe I could get away while he was weak. It was my only chance. I just needed to beak out of this cuff.

Damien slowly picked up the man's body and left the room. A few minutes had passed and Damien still wasn't back.

A dazed Damien stumbled back into the room. The other man wasn't with him.

Sophia- Damien you killed him!

He didn't pay attention to me, nor acknowledge that I was screaming. He looked exhausted and worn out. The blood on his head was still fresh.

Damien wobbled over to the bed and uncuffed me. I immediately got up to run out the door, but his hand held me back.

Sophia- No No! Please this is my chance.

He was half laying in the bed while holding on to me. He was actually crying, and his eyes kept going in and out of focus. He was in pretty bad shape from his head injury.

Damien- Please. He uttered right before he passed out.

His grip on me came loose. I was not cuffed. Damien was completely unconscious. I was free.

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