Chapter III: Home Sweet Home

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I woke up in my bedroom. Jessie was passed out next to me in the bed. The sunlight coming through the window was shining down on her face. Last night was crazy. I don't even remember if we went to the party that Jessie begged me to go to. My head felt heavy, and I sunk back into my bed. It felt so relaxing.

I slept for what it seemed for hours. I could hear Jessie screaming my name. I couldn't see anything, but her voice echoed all around me. Stumbling blindly through darkness, I tried to find Jessie. Yet her voice taunted me.

The dreamscape changed to a black pit, and I was falling. I screamed at the top of my lungs, but nothing happened. When I finally hit the ground, I was forced awake. I was still breathing rapidly and shaking.

I tried to rub my eyes to focus more, but something was holding my hand back. I was in a bed, but not my bed. Small metal handcuffs held my right hand hostage. There was a small red ring around my wrist where the cuff clung to.

Footsteps echoed outside the door. I could see the shadow of a person at the bottom of the door. Again, I tired to pull my hand away from the bed, but I couldn't. The footsteps grew louder, and I heard door handle creak.

I tried to remember what happened last night, but a few things were hazy. Jessie and I went to a party, then she left me. And I think I ran into a guy. Yeah. Named Damien, and he was quite cute, but things took a turn. He wouldn't let me go. A-And he kissed me. I used my free hand to brush against where he had kissed me, cringing at it.

The door swung open revealing Damien soaking wet with just a towel around him. I quickly looked away from his half-naked body. Maybe he would tell me why I'm here.

Damien- Did you sleep well?

He walked over to the dresser located in the corner of the room. I kept my head turned away. I needed to get out of here. The doorway was still open, if only I didn't have this cuff on. I looked back over to Damien who was now dressing.

Sophia- Oh my gosh! Why are you changing in here?!

Damien finished getting dressed and walked over to the bed. He got closer and closer to me until our faces were almost touching. "I thought you might enjoy the show," he chuckled, coming even closer. "Please don't," I said with a calm voice." He backed away from me and walked around to the other side of the bed. He took off his shirt, revealing his ripped body. "Damn. Why does this psycho have to have a hot body," I thought.

Sophia- What are you doing? I said with a hint of fear.

Damien- I'm tired from dragging you home last night that's all, so get your mind out of the gutter Soph.

He smirked at me, while climbing into bed. He was looking at me when he complimented me on my shirt. I looked down, and I was wearing one of his dress shirts! I didn't even have pants on! I looked at him shocked. He had seen my naked body, not to mention while I was unconscious!

Damien ignored me and continued to get under the sheets, leaving only his shoulders up visible.

Sophia- Um.. could you at least uncuff me?

Damien- How bold of you to ask. I don't have to do anything you say. You're mine now.

"Yeah right," I scoffed under my breath. His eyes darted over to me, staring straight at me. "I would me more careful about what you say if I were you." He said, turning back over.

After a few minutes passed. Damien look over to the wide awake me. He sat up uncovering the lower half of his body. "Why are you so tense?" He softly said, while pushing my hair back. "I-I well," I said shakily, "You brought me here against my own will, stripped me down and then put me in your clothes, and have me cuffed to a bed." Damien's eyes looked all over me. And he bit his lip. I pulled back slightly in hope he wouldn't kiss me again.

Damien- I can solve that. He said with a seductive tone. Grabbing keys from his pocket, Damien unlocked the hand cuff and grabbed my wrist.

Sophia- Being precautious I see.

Damien- Can't have my little Soph getting away. Can I? But I'll only let you stay this way if you lay with me.

Sophia- Why would I sleep with you? You abducted me! I tried to pull free from his grip, but he was too strong. And he loved it.

Damien- I said lay with me not have sex. Gosh so dirty minded. Just lay with me for now.

Sophia- I don't k-

Damien didn't let me finish the sentence, and proceeded to pull me into the bed with him. I tried to force him off of me, but his grip would just get stronger.

Damien- Stop squirming! He yelled in a harsh tone. I froze, and Damien continued to hold me, helping me under the sheets. I didn't try to resist, but I hated every second. But to be honest this was the most relaxed I had felt in a while except for the abduction part.

He positioned himself right up next to me, resting his chin on my  head like a protective mother would do. And I rested my head onto his chest. We laid there for quite some time, and I didn't put up a fight. I just needed to focus on a way out of here.

I tried to fight sleep, but the drug Damien used on me was still in my system. Soon enough I dozed off, still in his arms.

~~~~~~Present day~~~~~~

Sophia- I actually rested well. I said while yawning.

Chrys- Looks like you need rest after this session.

I looked at her puzzled, while my stomach let out a growl.

Chrys- And some food.

I thought about that morning. I went to bed at a good time. I had eaten a big breakfast and headed straight here after, and even had some cookies.

Chrys- Its common for things to be different after a traumatic event. So you'll just have to get back into your old routine, and let your body adjust. So let's continue.


I woke up once more. In the same bed. The same room, but Damien was no where to be seen. And a cuff was placed back onto my hand.

Sophia- Damien! Damien! I screamed.

He ran into the room with a gun in his hand. "Now Soph, I do enjoy my name coming from your mouth, but we don't want to bother the neighbors. Do we?" He questioned while twirling the gun around like a toy. I stopped yelling and kept my mouth shut. Would he really shoot me?

I had just noticed Damien was wearing nice clothes. "And we'll be having guest so try to keep it down. Or you won't be keeping those pretty little fingers of yours."

Although I wanted to escape, I knew it would be best to keep quiet. At that moment we heard a knock at the door. Both of our heads turned to the noise. One out of desperation, and the other from expectation.

"Well behave yourself while I'm gone Soph. You know the consequences," he said with a bright cheery smile.

Damien waltzed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Leaving me alone.

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