Chapter V: An Unforgettable Urge

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Damien wobbled over to the bed and uncuffed me. I immediately got up to run out the door, but Damien's hand held me back.

Sophia- No No! Please this is my chance.

He was half laying in the bed while holding on to me. He was actually crying, and his eyes kept going in and out of focus. I could tell he was in pretty bad shape.

Damien- Please. He uttered right before he passed out.

His grip on me came loose. Damien was completely unconscious. I was free.


The door was wide open. Damien couldn't stop me.

I looked over at  him passed out. His head was still bleeding. I knelt down beside him.

I have to leave. But. . . Maybe I should help him first?

I tried my best to prop him up onto the bed, but Dang this man weighted a lot. When I finally got him onto the bed, I walked out of the room. He should have some type of bandage or medical supplies in this house.

I wandered around until I found the bathroom. It was relatively clean with bright yellow shower curtains. I rummaged through the cabinets until I found some medical tape and other supplies. This would work.

Damien was still lying in the bed passed out. First I cleaned the wound with some hydrogen peroxide, then I carefully bandaged his head. It wasn't the best, but it would work.

I noticed that he looked so peaceful when he slept. Like a little kid. But since I bandaged him up, I guess I could go now. I had checked if the front door was open earlier, and it was. Yet I still felt this urge not to leave.


~Present Day~

Sophia- Just like this feeling was holding me back from walking out the door. I don't even know why.

Chrys- That's a perfectly common feeling to have. But do you think you ever had symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome? And it's ok if you do or did.

What the heck! I did not love that man! Stockholm syndrome! Was she freaking crazy? Chrys's words were driving me insane. But I kept my cool.

Sophia- No I did not.

Chrys- She leaned in closer, holding my hand for consolation. I swallowed a lump that was forming in my throat. My breathing had become uneven, but I quickly steadied it. I had to come to reality. There was no escaping the past and what was done could not be changed.

Sophia- Yes. I did not have romantic feelings for Damien Gacy at all. Even after his death.


I found myself pacing back and forth in the kitchen. The door was right there, and Damien was still asleep. I was free to go. Free

The day was almost over, and I hadn't left yet. And luckily enough Damien wasn't awake yet. I still had a chance. I shouldn't blow it. Right?

My head started to hurt after thinking and thinking. So I looked through the pantry for something to eat. That should help me feel better, because I had realized, I didn't eat breakfast this morning.

I found some bread and there was some cheese in the fridge. He actually had a lot of food at his house. And why wouldn't he? Damien's human after all. . . in that sense. The scene of him shooting that man replayed in my memory. I just shook it off. All I need is food right now. Then I'll leave.

I turned on the stove while putting some butter into a pan. I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten a grilled cheese. So might as well have one now. The bread made a sizzling noise as I placed it onto the bubbling butter. The smell filled the small house, making my mouth water. I was starving.

I took the sandwich out of the pan and walked over to the table. I would sit here. Eat this grilled cheese. Then I'll leave this house.

I savored each bite of my food. I didn't know whether it was because it tasted so good or I didn't want to leave. But soon enough my food was all gone. I cleaned up the mess and headed to the bedroom Damien was in. I wanted to check on him before I left, but more importantly, I wanted to change into more appropriate clothes. I was still only wearing Damien's shirt, and I couldn't leave looking like this.

I gave Damien a quick glance to make sure he was still asleep. He was. I searched for decent clothes that might fit me, although; all I could find was some cargo shorts and a big jacket. It would just have to do.

I undressed in the room since I figured he wouldn't wake up for another few hours of so. The shorts fit fine, and the jacket was a bit heavy, but it worked.

I sat down on the bed beside him. If only you hadn't kidnapped me. I might have actually given you a chance. I had fun the other night for the most part. I thought.

"Thanks for the drinks and the dance. It was really fun, " I said, while placing a kiss on Damien's for head.

I wonder what he would do once he found out I was gone? But I had to get far far away from here. And I swore I'd never to go to a party ever again.

I forced myself to get up and walked towards the door. I could be home soon. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a voice come from behind me.

~Damien's Perspective~

He got up and walked towards Sophia's room. I jumped up and blocked his path. He would not search my house or take Sophia. James stopped walking and scoffed at my action. Blatantly, I grabbed the collar of his shirt.

Damien- I would suggest you stop now.

I knew James too well. He would not stop toying with me. He liked to get on my nerves. His boss was even worse, that's why I kept limited contact with both of then.

James- Woah dude what's with the serious face? He said with a playful tone. Look Damien, I'm sorry. You can let go of me.

I was about to let go of his shirt when he slammed the coffee cup on top of my head. This took me by surprise, and I stumbled backward. The hot coffee burned me, and the glass periced my skin. It hurt like hell. My vision was fogging, and my head was throbbing, but that wouldn't stop me from making sure James doesn't lay a finger on Soph.

I found my grounding and blindly stumbled around the house. I was in immense pain but, I went straight to a secluded area and retrieved my gun. That bastard would not touch Sophia.

When I finally got to the room and James was on top of her! I had delt with enough from this man. All the rage i felt for him burst out. I charged at him, yanking James off of her. I shoved him on the ground. My hand naturally pulled the gun out ot my Back pocket and shot him straight through the head. I let out a heavy sigh. I was gonna pay for killing him, but that didn't matter right now.

With that I shot him multiple times. I wanted him never to take breath again.

~Perspective Ends~

"Sophia?" Damien called out.

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