chapter one- raid

Start from the beginning

The term we’ve lost someone means that they have turned, or in other words, they became a zombie. We’ve never had to use it, and hopefully we never will, but, you never know.

“She’s here” I say gleefully and I look at Danni. Danni just nods and looks through the eyehole of her gun.

“Do you know what she is wearing, just so I know not to shoot her?” She asks me.

“Oh, god.” I mumble, “I don’t know, just don’t shoot the figure where the two fingers are sticking up from it.”

“Sounds good enough.” She mumbles.

            Once we clear off the swarm of zombies, not one clear spot is visible on the floor with the exception of what is behind us and to the direct sides of us. Margret stands on one of them and waves a bucket of water and some apples and oranges above her head.

“We scored this time!” She yells as she bounces up and down on the zombie she is standing on. I run over the bodies to get to her.

“What’d we get?” I ask.

She looks down at her hands.

“Lots of water.” She says as she hands me a bucket. It is all the way full, which is unusual. It is usually about half full, sometimes it even only gets about a quarter of the way full.

“Oh my god, where did you get all of this?” I ask.

“Lemme finish your first question first.” She answers as she eyes me.


“so like I said, the water, five oranges, three apples, and look, this is the biggie!” She says. She reaches into her pocket that is covered with green zombie blood. We try to blend in when we go outside. One thing that we do is cover ourselves in mud, zombie blood, and splatters of human blood.

She pulls out what looks like a small bush. I don’t register what it is until she says it.

“Strawberries!!!”She squeals.

“OH MY GOD!!!”I yell

“Did I hear something about strawberries?” Danni says as she peeks her head out from behind a zombie body.

“Yup!” Margret squeals.

“How was it outside?” Danni says, turning the conversation around.

Margret sighs.

“The same as last time, maybe less, I don’t know. They didn’t pay much attention to me… I think I noticed a human though---“

“WHAT???!!!!”I cut off. A human? I thought we were the only ones left. If we find another human, that could be life changing, even if it is only one. Less time at certain shifts, more people to be with, everything will change if we get another human.

“Will you let me finish?” Margret asks.

I nod.

“Good.” She says, “So, as I was saying, I think I saw a human, but I didn’t want to take the chance and go up to him----“

“It was a BOY??!!!” I asked. Boys mean that we could start a population again!

Margret glares at me.

“Yes, it was a boy. The only reason I thought it was a human is because his disguise absolutely SUCKED and he had blue eyes, not the black ones like zombies have. But, like I said before, I didn’t want to take the chance and go up to him. I wasn’t 100% sure if he was human or not. Sooooooo yeah.”

I just stared at her dumbfounded. I hear Danni walking up to me.

“So, uh, we’re going to have to move again.”

Margret groans. “Whyyyyyyyyyy”

“Well, you saw, you were in the middle of it. They raided us again, they know where they are, you know what happened last time we stayed in one spot.”

Margret groans again.

Last time we got raided and stayed where we were, Margret almost died.

“fine.” Margret says curtly. All the happiness from the strawberries had disappeared.

“I’ll get ready,” I said picking up the zombie in front of me. “You probably should too.” I say to Danni.

Danni nods. I start to take off the clothes of the zombie and take off my own. I throw the “dead” clothes over me and wiggle until they feel comfortable. I find some mud and smear it on my face and in my hair. I take some of the blood of the zombie and cover the majority of myself in it. Zombie blood is green, so I look like I splattered my clothes in slime. Next, I cut myself and smear my own blood on my clothes and around my mouth. I look over to see Danni doing the same thing. Margret walks over to the door way and waits for us. I head over to meet her and Danni follows.

We take one last look at the home we have had for the last couple weeks and then head outside into the world of rotting flesh. 

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