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August POV

I wonder if they got to school safe, I know Quame ass a fuck nigga and I know his ass was flirting with them, well Karamel.

I don't know why they in my mind so much, ugh.

Focus nigga.




I continue doing my files, when the phone starts ringing.

"Alsina Industries wassup?" I answer.

"Mr. Alsina Tamara from BeautyCo here, for her meeting." My Andrea informs me.

"Oh shit, aight send her up." I sigh.

I was thinking so much about the girls, I forgot about this meeting.

I take a deep breath before there's a knock at the door.

"Come in." I clear my throat.

She enters a shy smile on her face, I stand shaking her hand.

"August." I keep my introduction short.

"Tamara." She smiles sitting across from me.

"So Tamara, lemme just ask you a few questions." I look through my file.

She nods agreeing.

"So you're the Ceo, is there a Co-Founder?" I ask, reading it straight off my list.

"No. It's just me." She says.

"With that being said, how do you plan to keep it going solo? Business takes a lot of effort, doing it solo can be a hell of a challenge." I raise my brow.

"Well my family would help me, but i'd do majority of the work." She says looking away.

It was obvious she was nervous.

"BeautyCo. What's your visual for it?" I ask.

"I studied cosmology, my brand would ship out beauty products." She says.

"More information love, I get you are new to this. But you gotta get comfortable with questions." I inform her.

She nods.

"As a teen I wasn't the prettiest, I got bullied for it. And my mission is to help other girls feel beautiful." She extends her thoughts.

"Makeup doesn't make you beautiful, it covers it. But i'll fund it, I see what you tryna do. Just be careful with ya words. I'll have my assistant makes some arrangements." I stand.

She stands too.

"Thank you so much Mr. Alsina." She smiles.

"Ain't nothing." I say walking her to the door.

I close the door and get back to my emails, suddenly my phone rings again.

"What?" I mumble.

"Would you like me to get your lunch, or are you going out?" Andrea asks.

"Ima head out." I say hanging up the phone.

Andrea annoys the fuck outta me, I would've fired her from a long time ago, but ion feel like interviewing people to take her place.

I lock up my office and head downstairs.

"Mr.Alsina-" I cut her off.

"Not in the mood." I tell her.

She stays silent and walks away.

I'm not gon lie and deny I ain't fuck Andrea before...cause I have.

CEOΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα