you were made for me.

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August POV

I was in the waiting room stressed as fuck man, it's been hours since they said anything about my baybeh man.

Ion know what to do, Jaz called me asking if I talked to Kara.

She said that she wasn't home when she got home so she had to go back to my momma house. I panicked and told her she was spending the night with Sam cause she was too drunk.

Sam is literally annoying the fuck outta me, I get she sad and all, but at least move with allat noise.

"Family of Karamel Taylor?" The doctor finally comes.

"That's us." I tell him.

"She's underage, her parents?" He asks.

"Nigga don't fucking play wimme, she stay wit my momma." I lie.

"Alrighty. Well luckily the fire was put out not too long after it was set, her burns are pretty bad. She has a lot of head trauma too. I'll prescribe her some ointment they'll heal in about 2- 4 weeks. Some quicker then others. She's just been taken out of a little stitch surgery. She's in a coma. You can see her in about 10 minutes, they just need to hook her up on some IV. She's very lucky." He informed us.

"When she wakes, will she remember anything?" I ask.

"If-" I cut him off.

"When*" I correct him.

He clears his throat.

"When she wakes the likelihood of her remembering anything specific is low, but possible. Her head was hit multiple times." He says.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"Dr. Wile, sorry." He sticks his hand out.

"August." I shake it.

"Of Alsina Industries?" He questions.

"Yeah." I nod.

"My daughter just had a meeting with you." He smiles.

I only nod again, I didn't give a fuck about clients right now.

I just wanted to see Karamel.

In about 15 minutes they had her set up, I let Quame and Sam see her first.

I knew I'd need more time, but in all honestly I was scared. 

 I felt like a part of me died. If someone was willing to go as far as doing this shit. They'd feel no way bout doing the same to my momma, sister, Jaz or anyone close to me at that.

This shit has me fucked up bruh.

Maybe I really do love her.

They exited the room and Sam wiped her tears as Quame rubbed her back, even he had some tears in his eyes.

Which made me even more fearful, the only time I seen that nigga cry is when his daughter was born.

"Take Sam home." I give him my car keys.

"What about you?" She asks confused.

"Don't worry about me Sam, I got myself. Go home, get some rest." I give her my jacket.

It was raining, just like a scene from a movie, when someone died.

But I didn't wanna think negatively, I had hope for Karamel. She's gonna pull through this, i'm gonna tell her how I feel and we gon' be together...I hope.

"Thank you Aug, call me if she wakes please." She says.

"Gotchu." I assure her.

She looks at me for a moment before leaning in to hug me, I hugged her back awkwardly.

"She'd appreciate this, and so do I." She says.

"As long as you close to her, you're close to me. You're family now." I inform her.

Even though she is annoying, it is what it is.

I dapped up Quame and they left.

I go to Karamels room.

As soon as I seen her, my heart dropped.

Her skin, almost every part of her body was burnt. Her hair had burnt,  but not all of it.

But her face stayed beautiful, not a single scratch.

I sat on the chair and grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry I ain't make it fore' they did this shit man. I'll never let anyone hurt you again ma." I rubbed my thumb over her hand.

"I know yuh stubborn ass can hear me, wake yuh ass up." I tell her.

"Man i'm terrified okay? I don't know what I'd do if you don't wake, ion think i'd be able to live with myself. You mean so much more to me then you know, when y'all moved out so did a piece of my heart. Cause no matter how long I denied it or tried to, I knew you'd always have a special place in my heart. Even though you annoy the fuck outta me, and you don't listen I want you. I need you. Because through everything that unfolded when you met me, my good or bad side you stayed with me. That's all that matters, and right now you all that matters to me. I know you can't hear me, but wake up and I promise i'll tell you this shit to yuh face. You were made for me." 

I felt a few tears roll down my face as a rested my head on her hand begging her to wake.

"I just need a chance to prove to you, to prove to myself I can learn how to love."

The next morning...

I woke up in the chair beside Karamel, she remained in the same position.

I didn't even mean to sleep here, but I didn't wanna leave her side.

I was afraid the moment I left she would wake, or she'd die.

I just needed to watch over her.

I got so many calls, from the trap, the office. I didn't even bother.

I thought life was about money, that all I needed was money.

But I was wrong, as soon as I met Karamel I had hope.

And now life is about her.

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