pregnancy x parents

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Yung POV

I woke up to the sound of puking, and Kara was gone.

She been having mornin' sickness, so I ain't think much of it.

"You goo baybeh?" I ask.

Going in the washroom to help her, it wasn't her puking.

It was Jaz.

"Fuckin' hell." I mumble.

"Aug don't start." Kara warns.

I stepped outside catching a breath.

If you kill him, and his parents ask where he at you just kill the whole family.

Quame comes throwing an arm around me.

"Calm down bro." He says.

"Calm down? My 16 year old daughter, pregnant." I whisper yell at him.

"You don't know that, it could just be sum she ate." He reminds me.

"You right." I take a breath.

He goes inside and Karamel comes out.

"August I know you upset right now, but she needs you." She says.

" had Aj at 18, i'm fine with 18. She 16 man." I run my hand over my face.

"I know, Aug but it isn't her fault. She's been taking her pills, they've been safe. So it could've broke or she may not even be pregnant." She wraps her arms around me.

"We meeting wit ya parents in 2 days, they finna think I let her get pregnant at 16. I tried fuckin' everything to prevent this, while y'all so fuckin' fertile for?" I ask panicing.

"August I hope you don't care what they think about you, you've been more of a parent to Jazmin, then they ever have. They have no room to judge, Jaz and I have never been so happy." She assures me.

"Okay...did she take a test?" I ask her.

"She wants you to help her." She says.

"Why?" I mug her.

"You're her dad, she's scared." She pats my back fore' stepping inside.

Taking a deep breath I go inside.

Everybody was in the room, anxiously waiting, including Tayveon, he looked scared as fuck.

I go in the bathroom and she was crying.

" you feelin'?" I ask.

"Like shit." She chuckles, crying.

That itself made me know she was pregnant, that laugh cry, Kara do it all the time.

I take the box off the counter and take the test out.

"Aight take it." I give it to her.

"Ion know how to take a test, I ain't ever take one before." She mugs me.

Almost popped her ass.

"See this right here? Pee on it." I show her.

I was boutta leave.

"Wait, can you stay?" She asks.

"Huh?" My eyes widen.

"I don't wanna be alone." She frowns.

"I'll get ya sista." I assure her.

"Please dad." She asks.

"Fine." I mumble turning around.

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