As the water wholly surrounded her and drowned her, Keir's smile played on her mind.

It was like a dream sequence, playing his face ever since she met him in the shed.

She hoped she would see him once again. If not here in this world, anywhere.

It was her last thought before she was completely consumed by the dark lake.


"Why isn't she waking up?"

"There's too much water inside her. The paramedics are doing their best." Thindrel assured Shana.

"I have a really bad feeling about this."

"Have faith, Shana." Wyatt patted her back, reassuring her.

Selene can hear them despite the paramedics muttering incoherently over her body. She could tell that they were standing no more than a few feet away. She wanted to relieve Shana that she is alive and sound but she couldn't even open her eyes let alone get up.

For the next few minutes, the doctors got busy pushing out the lake water from her body. Selene in a swift retched half of the lake and gasped breathing the terrestrial air again.

"She's awake!" Shana and others rushed to her side.

"Ma'am! Please give the patient some space."

Selene coughed and shook her head at the doctor, "It's alright, I'm fine."

The doctor nodded reluctantly.

She turned to the team with a face filled with questions, that she was too scared to ask.

Thindrel patted her arm and gave her a stiff smile. "Take some rest." He said and left to handle the damage. Soon Wyatt followed, reassured that Selene was indeed fine.

Once they were alone, Selene turned to Shana with a dread filled face.

"Keir?" It was her first question.

"You should rest, Sel. You've just woke up-"

She cut her off, "Keir!" She demanded.

Shana shook her head lightly, "They are still searching for them. The damage was large, they don't think they survived it." She trailed off.

Selene shook her head vigorously, not believing a word she heard. "No, no, no. That's not true. They aren't searching well."

She got up from her stretcher and ran towards the lake. Shana ran after her, trying to catch up with her.

"Sel, Sel! Listen to me!" She whisper yelled behind her.

Selene didn't stop and stomped her way to the lake where the searching team and Thindrel stood.

Shana grabbed her from behind and roughly turned her to face her.

"Hey! Listen to me!" Shana looked her in the eye with her palms firmly gripping her pale face. The tears in her eyes were threatening to fall. They were shining under the lights, but the fire beneath them was evident, much like the blast before.

"I know how you are feeling right now," Shana said.

Selene shook her head, "No, you don't." A tear trailed down her face.

Shana wiped it away with her thumb, "You need to get a grip, Selene. You almost died running into that fire. The blast almost killed you! Why would you do that?!"

Selene was hyperventilating, she took small gasps of air while running a hand through her hair, "Keir was inside." With that she broke into sobs.

"Shit!" Shana muttered glancing back at the team. No one can see like this. Her best friend is an emotional wreck right now.

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