20: Gorgeous

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Friday, October 3rd. Joshville Division.

A man was found dead in his car by the locals near the outskirts of Downtown on the eve of 2nd October. The man is identified as Deputy sergeant John Yates from a nearby town Joshville. Downtown comes under Joshville's legislation and thus it was sourced that he might have been there for work.

There were no signs of robbery or struggle as the police informed. Forensics report that there were lethal doses of cocaine found in his blood and was likely to be the cause of death.

"John Yates was priorly demoted for working along drug racketing. Though there is no known history of his drug abuse, it comes as no shock that he might've OD'ed." _Sergeant, Van Doren spoke shortly after his body was found.

The body of Yates will be soon handed over to his family in Manchester to perform the final rites.

_Southern Times, Divisional sector.

Selene closed the newspaper, releasing a shaky breath. It sounded like a pretty solid closed case for now, but there's every chance that the cops will come looking for her.

Even if they come after her, she could always ask NIA for back up but then she would've to explain everything from the start. They would know that she lied about Keir and after that it's hard to say if they would still support her.

Keir. His name played on her mind. It has been two days since she saw or talked with him. She would be lying if she said that she isn't concerned about him.

The argument that night was pretty heated. She remembered punching him and calling him out with obnoxious names. That was the problem, she loses control over her mouth when she is angry.

Selene acted on her instinct when she punched him. She knows he is a serial killer but that doesn't mean that he has to kill every single man walking on earth, just because he can. His proud statement ticked her off.

Selene scoffed to herself, I can, my foot!

He can't kill every man that speaks shit about women. If that is the case, every man needs to die on earth, even Keir. It's a man's nature to disrespect and antagonise women. Who did he think he was, killing a man because he disrespected her?

Why would he call him into his house, the first place? She wondered.

Selene spent another ten minutes, switching on and off her phone, expecting a miracle to happen and that he would message her.

She opened her message box and stared at the old messages of Mr. Killer looks. Despite being angry, a small laugh managed to escape her lips at his stupid contact name. She nibbled on her lip, contemplating whether to message him or not.

If she messages him first, it would mean a white flag from her and he would start bothering her just like before or he might not reply altogether.

She didn't give it a second thought and typed on the message box.

Hey! - She deleted back.

How are you? - sighing she deleted it again.

Her thumbs danced on the keypad, unsure what to write.

A minute later, she decided to just type his name and send it.


She waited another five minutes in hope of a reply from him. When nothing came she tossed the phone on her couch and got up to take a shower.

Wrapping a towel around her and detangling her freshly washed wet hair with her fingers, she checked her phone again. Still there was no answer.

Gritting her teeth, she called his number. It rang for a minute and the line went dead. She tried calling him two more times before ultimately giving up.

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