8: Whiskey Neat

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"I must say Haden, you got the one with the beauty and the brains." Richard, one of their important dealers spoke. His eyes raked Selene from the head to toe shamelessly.

She sat beside Haden on the couch opposite to them, with his arm firmly securing her waist.

"Credible, I might add," Haden smirked, sipping his whiskey.

"And perfectly capable of killing," Selene stated with a dark face, making Richard tear his gaze away from her nervously.

"Of course she is," Haden gave her a side grin, "A femme Fatale."

Selene gave Richard a challenging look but he avoided her gaze that made her smirk.

This five foot six inch of a man in his forties was despicable. Well, apparently she felt the same with every guy in her work line. He tried every cheap pick up line and showed off his money at every chance to get her into his bed.

Haden knew his intentions but he ignored it with his 'I know everything but I don't care' smile. It surprised her sometimes. She wondered if he even cared about her in the first place. She would bet all her money that he knew his brother's intentions behind his cheap remarks. But as usual he chose to ignore it.

A question always raised in her mind during situations like these. 'Is she only a trophy case for his dealers and his business?'

"How did the meeting go?" Haden's rough voice pulled a break to her thoughts.

She turned to look at him. He was staring at his guests who were now swaying around the women at the poles. They were flying money in appreciation while some of them already had their hands around them. Everyone was drunk but she doubted that their behaviour was barely to blame the alcohol.

Haden's deep breaths beside her reminded her that she didn't answer his question yet.

"Tell me about it later," He dismissed casually and got up from his seat.

His eyes were still focused on something, or rather someone. Selene traced down his vision to a redhead dancing seductively at the far corner of the room. She was eyeing him, tantalizing him with her hooded eyes and alluring body. She was a perfect tease.

Selene sighed as he walked his way to her. At least she doesn't have to explain the horrible details about the meeting. She got up as well and made her way to the bar.

"Whiskey neat," she ordered. She definitely needed a strong poison after the events today.

She glanced at the dance floor once again. Men were already busy pushing their tongues down the women's throats. Some men were dancing around with wobbly legs. Haden also got himself busy with the redhead's neck.

All of them had a predatory look on their faces and women were their prey tonight. Nothing about that was normal. There was no respect nor romance. Just plain lust of what looked inhumane.

That made her question herself, 'How are they even different from Keir? '.

Keir kills people, so do they. He is merciless, so are they. He is manipulative and so are they with their money. How are they any different from him? She asked herself again.

'He is a charmer who saves you' A voice in her head answered her own question.

Selene scoffed to herself and shook her head. She gulped down the liquid in one gulp and placed the glass in a heavy thump.

"One more!" She yelled at the waiter.

"Ooh! Slow down there, lady." The bartender passed her a polite smile.

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