21: Mutual

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"Yes, Selene. What's wrong?" The Chief, Mr Thindrel spoke in his usual professional voice.

"Nothing's wrong. Yet." He heard a sigh from her.

Selene balanced her phone between her ear and her shoulder while she fumbled with the front door keys. Thindrel waited patiently for her on the other side of the call.

"I met Keir," She said once she got inside her house. "And I got close to him."

"That's great." He paused and asked a moment later, "How?"

"That's none of your concern," Selene answered curtly.

Thindrel released an irritated sigh, "But that's not why you called me, is it?"

"No. I want out of this project." She stated.

"We already talked about this. What's the reason now?"

"Keir is," Selene hesitated for a moment then continued, "-demanding. Eventually Haden will notice my missing hours and my three year hard work will be reduced to dust."

"That won't happen." The Chief dismissed.

"You can't guarantee that, sir."

"I trust you with this, Selene."

"Well, I don't!" She snapped.

She sighed and answered in a more calm way, "I won't work on this project anymore and you can't make me do it."

She concluded indicating that their conversation is over. She was about to hang up when she heard him yell.


Selene smirked and listened.

"You can't forget our deal," He warned.

"Which was never held by your side," She countered confidently.

"It will. I'll make sure of that."

Selene shook her head, "I don't trust that you would."

"I will." Desperation was clear in his voice. "I'll hasten the process from tomorrow. Give me Haden and Keir, and I'll stand by our deal."

Selene deliberately stayed silent, pretending to be considering his promise.

"Fine. I'll do it but you need to keep your end of the bargain." A satisfied smirk played on her lips for being in  charge of this conversation with Thindrel.

"Alright. I'm on it." Thindrel gritted out. They soon hung up.

Selene stripped off and stepped into a much needed warm shower. As the water cascaded down the tense knots on her body, she sighed in relief.

Selene had to lie to the chief. In fact she wanted to be on Keir's case but it was imperative that Thindrel be reminded about the deal. He was using her for the most wanted projects and expecting her to forget what she asked for. That is not acceptable, he needs to know that he is not in charge. Not until he gives what she wants.

Stepping out of the shower and drying herself with a towel, she threw on a pair of tee and shorts. She wasted no time to get some sleep before Keir would come knocking on her door, early in the morning.

Ever since he came into her life, sleep was not something she had in her possession. She hoped his car would hit on something and meet a minor accident.

Fat chance, she thought.

At least she hoped a car repair would come up, anything that could stop her from meeting his mom.

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