9: The Hawk

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"We've hoarded fifty thousand dollars by extortion this week," Haden announced proudly.

Everyone hooted and cheered in appraisal.

He continued with the other stats of this week, "We've succeeded in racketeering drugs and weapons to China, North Korea and Italy. Soon they'll reach Russia and Albania by the end of this week."

"We got seventy-five percent profit this week. The highest we had so far in smuggling goods, drug trafficking and gambling alone," Selene added to his achievements.

Haden raised his glass and everyone clinked their glasses with each other. Selene clinked her glass against Brent's, muttering a low 'cheers.'

She was still pondering over the virtual ways to torture that nameless redhead sitting on Haden's lap.

Selene didn't care about his bimbos. Haden can screw anyone he wants, at any time. But tagging them along to the meetings which are important for the business is just reckless. She darted her glare to Haden, who already had his eyes on her.

He raised her glass to her and took a slow sip of his drink. Selene turned away from his gaze. She placed a smile for the dealers who were elated by the good news.

It was a huge success this week. Selene always kept track of the profits and investments. She had them by heart, Haden wanted her to. Claiming that if he forgets she can continue.

"We got eighteen potential dealers in all sorts of the activities. And established five new centres for currency counterfeiting all over the world," Selene announced with a proud grin on her face.

"That's amazing!" Jordan, the dealer exclaimed.

"Mamma mia! That's some great news for us." Luigi joined the celebration.

"But, but-" Haden stopped them, "This is not why I called all of you for." He gave a dramatic pause.

The room fell into a deep silence. Selene mirrored the expressions of their associates, oblivious of what Haden hadn't announced yet.

"We lost the golden Rhino deal," He stated with a grimace.

"What?!" Selene along with the others exclaimed in shock.

"You've got to be kidding me! It's a million dollar deal and you're saying that we lost it?" Benjamin, another dealer, the youngest among the four spoke.

"What's the need of these profits when million dollars are at stake?" Richard spat who was silent all along.

"What-how? We've sent our best team. There's no way-" Selene was cut off by Brent.

"Our team already had the Rhino when the cops ambushed them. They managed to escape but the Roman government recouped the artifact," Brent enlightened everyone.

Bad news, losses, failures were always Brent's part but Selene had no idea how they acted normally when they lost a million dollar deal.

"How did the stupid cops even get that sort of lead?" Selene questioned.

Haden damped his lips, "We had insider information that the locals suspected illegal activity and reported it to the cops."

By 'insider' he meant their corrupt officials infiltrated among the cops.

"When did people get so Sherlocky?" Luigi mused in an Italian accent.

"What do we do now?" She asked.

"Nothing," Benjamin answered, "If we do something and fuck up, we might give them a string leading to us. So let's pretend like this deal never started."

Two Sides Of A Serial Killer ✔︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora