36: Lows Too Low

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"Are they in?" Thindrel asked, eyeing the lakehouse.

It was a small wooden house standing proudly in the mid centre of the large lake. Surrounded by water on all sides except for the long wooden bridge that connected back to the shore.

The dark lake amidst the dense forest spread wide till the eyes could see. Only the moonlight above and the lights inside the house were illuminating the night.

"I saw them arriving a few minutes earlier," Selene answered.

"What are those noises?" Thindrel asked in confusion.

Selene concentrated on the sounds, they were of arguing, coming from the house.

"Shit! They probably started picking the fight."

"You go in and keep them occupied. The team will be a few steps after you." Thindrel ordered.

Selene nodded and frantically walked along the wooden bridge. Her heartbeat quickened and her breaths shattered for every step she got close to the lake house.

Something's not right. She could feel it.

She was almost mid way when a bright light coming from a corner of the house illuminated the darkness. From outside it looked like something was burning inside the house. She could still see two shadows moving from where she was.

Selene shot a panicked look to her team and increased her pace. She prayed it was not what she was thinking. She should've never left them alone. Few minutes alone, and they already set the house on fire.

Selene took quick steps, almost running on the slippery wooden bridge. She could hear Thindrel's and Shana's voice behind her.

"Selene! Get back! The house is on fire!" Shana yelled.

"Selene return to the shore ASAP!" Thindrel yelled too.

Selene didn't care if the house was on fire. She didn't care if she'd get hurt. All she cared about was that Keir was trapped inside it.

The fire spread like a wildfire all through the wooden house. In a few seconds, the house was burning into the bright orange flames.

Her mind flashed a virtual Keir burning in those flames.

Selene pushed the thought away and ran towards the house. The view blurred as her eyes teared up.

The smoke made it difficult to see the house past it. It was all hazy. She could feel the heat from the fire, pricking her skin until it was intolerable. Although it didn't stop her.

She crossed the long bridge to half way when suddenly a loud deafening blast occurred, sending Selene off the bridge from its large impact.

She was tossed into the lake. The waves created in the water from the blast, hit her with force and shoved her towards the shore.

A loud ringing was all she could here. Her tired eyes stared back at the abyss of what's left of the house. As the waves hit her one last time, her body gave away. Her eyes slowly started to vignette down the vision.

The weight of water around her suppressed her. She had no energy to swim to her way up. The water slowly reached to her chin, but her eyes were still fixated on the blasted house. Now there was nothing but flat floating wooden planks.

Everything was destroyed. Shattered window panes and house structures were floating beside her. But the fire didn't stop, it was still burning upto the bridge mercilessly. Wrecking everything on its way.

That burning bridge felt like Selene's last straw to see Keir. It was her hope burning away and she did nothing.

As she sunk deeper and water reached higher, it gurgled when it made its way to her mouth and nose. Tears of shock that were brimmed in her eyes were now diluted into the lake water.

Two Sides Of A Serial Killer ✔︎जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें